
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lazy me.

It's been a long time, a really really long time since I did a proper blog post and I'm so so so sorry. Well, life has been pretty hectic for me these days and I haven't really have the chance to sit down and really blog about my day. So today, I shall sacrifice my sleep to do a proper blog post. Hey, it's no joke okay. I'm actually sacrificing my sleep leh. hahahahah!

Okay, I just realised that this is my somewhat first blog post for November. HAHAHA. Whoopssss. :b

So far, life has been pretty good for me. 

Should just blog about Saturday since it's something that I can still remember hehe.

Early morning, met up with Jo, Danielle, Jx, Vynx and Asmyth at Somerset MRT before walking over to Orchard Central together. For Run for Hope Race Pack distribution. Met Faz there. It was a pretty easy job scope. Me, jo, jx and danielle were doing the table job while Faz, Vynx and Asmyth were runners. Me and Jo sat next to one another while Jx and Danielle sat next to one another. Vynx was Jo's runner, while Asmyth was my runner. They both quite poor thing because me and Jo kept making them fan us. HAHAHA. But it was a really fun job. If only there was such a job, I would gladly do it for hours.

We did only the 1st shift, which ended at 2+pm. Then we went over to TTS Hospital to visit Jan. Met Arun and Hazel there. My breast brother, Faz treated me to Coffee Bean hehe. ^^ Chilled at Coffee Bean until 4+pm, before heading to Asmyth's house for steamboat! Wheeeeee~


Asmyth's parents are really nice and we had lots of fun at his house. But poor Vynx, because I spitted food at him. HAHAHAHA. It wasn't exactly my fault lor. Who ask them make me laugh. HAHAHAHAHAH! But I was so tired after that, because the day before I worked closing shift so i had barely 4 hours of sleep. Luckily daddy offered to pick me up. 

Sunday was a normal family day, spent at Ahma's house.

Monday, had field trip to Orchard. It's a pretty good bonding day for our class. My team were like trying sample food whenever available. Or is it more of ME only? HAHAHA, oh well....... Had 18Chefs with Sirui, Sherilyn, Cassandra and Nicole after that. Then we just walk walk around 313.

Tuesday, raining day. FA is such a burden. I really forking hate FA. and my faci. ARGH. I really regret not taking POA sia. SIGHPIE. Lunch with Jo and Arun. After school, had Run for Hope briefing. Then dinner with Jan, Nick, Jo, Faz and Arun at Pizza Hut. Has been spending too much money on food these days. Dammit.


If only, we all have the choice to decide when to like somebody and when not to like somebody.... I'm so tired of trying to figure out which is reality and which is fantasy. 

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