
Saturday, May 11, 2013


I think I'm turning into a girly girl soon. Omg don't know if it's something good or bad lol. Maybe it's good right? (Since so many people say I damn cholor(rough) HAHA) I am so damn vain these days eh. I think it's because of my new environment, like my friends are always touching up on their makeups and stuffs so it kind of affected me? But not to that large extent yet. I'm not someone who will suddenly change overnight lah please. Oh wait, actually I did. MY HAIR. But I totally regret it lor..... (To people who know me only recently.... So when I was sec 2, which was 2010, one fine day during the june holidays i went Malaysia with my family and i decided to cut my hair. Or may I use the word CHOP. It was so damn short that.... I don't know how to describe. But I totally regret it and I suffered for the next 6 months. But yay long hair now ^^)

So I don't think I'll suddenly next day BOOMZ whole face covered in makeup. Currently I'm only using lipstick, and I don't think it'll change any soon. Because  I have no skills and I have the tendency of touching my face every now and then so yeah. Today was a fun day because it's SCIENCE MODULE! Favourite faci <3

While introducing to us Polar polar molecules, we started talking about polar bears and then talked about ZOO! Then faci was like telling us that the zoo is very boring because he just went recently and it was like a garden instead of a zoo, it became damn small and the animals were all boring. It was damn funny because we were like telling him what are the animals you can find at the zoo and he'll be like, "No leh, then how come I never see until!" Then yiting suddenly said, "Because they know you coming, so all go hide." FUNNY SIA HER. Never fails to laugh until I tear on Fridays. (My favourite day of the week since forever)

Oh one of the funny incident that happened today was between me and yiting. We were walking back to class when she did a love sign. Me and Rachel was walking behind her, so I decided to run towards her and tackle her just as I was about to, she turned and PIAK! Her elbow whacked until my shoulder and I accidentally touched until her.... My first reaction was LOL. At first I thought she was going to scold me but end up she kept asking how was I because she thought she whacked until my head. Such a darling :*

And OMG I REALISED I CAMWHORE EVERY SINGLE DAY. Is this bad? Or good? I think it's natural? AIYO I DON'T KNOW. But it's good what... Next time when I grow older, I can look back and remember those days, those looks.... (Lol sounds so emo)

Tomorrow night going for Mothers' Day dinner with the family. So eggcited because it's going to be BUFFET STYLE! YAYYYYYYYY.

Okay, shall end of camwhore shots of yesterday and today. GOODNIGHT <3















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