
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Love not at first sight.

Do you believe in love at first sight? 

Is it possible to actually fall in love with someone at first sight? Or is it considered as eye candy at first sight? Sometimes when people say, "Hey I fell for you ever since I laid my eyes on you.", I just wonder... How can one fall for another just based on looks? It's so contradicting how people say they don't judge people based on looks but there's such thing as 'love at first sight'. Will one even stop and look at someone who is wearing their pajamas out or someone who dress up nicely?

The society is really scary. People are scary. They can tell you something nice but behind you, they actually say bad and mean stuffs about you. And to think you call them your friends. So if you ask me if I believe in love at first sight, I would say NO. I do not believe in love at first sight, but I do believe at eye candy at first sight. Yes, there's a difference between love and eye candy.

Definition of love:
An intense feeling of deep affection: "their love for their country".
Feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone): "do you love me?".
noun.  affection - fondness - darling - passion
verb.  like - be fond of - fancy - adore

Definition of eye candy:

1. A person or people considered highly attractive to look at, often implying that they are lacking in intelligence or depth.
2. Something intended to be attractive to the eye without being demanding or contributing anything essential.
3. Slang. someone or something that is visually attractive or pleasing but usually lacks worth or merit.

Actually it's not nice to call someone your eye candy because like stated above, yes the person is attractive to look at but they lack of intelligence or depth (worth or merit). So in other words, they're bimbo/blondie. (An attractive but empty-headed young woman, esp. one perceived as a willing sex object.)

So guys, don't ever call a girl your eye candy, bimbo, blondie. It may mean no harm, but to her it may mean a lot. Guys these days really don't know how to use words properly. I'm not saying every guys, I'm just saying overall, most of them. I hate how they have stopped taking the initiative, the first step. Say whatever you want but I strongly believe that this can never be changed nor removed. Guys should take the first step, that's why they are called gentlemen.

These days I find that the roles of a guy and lady have changed. I see my girls confessing to guys instead of the guy confessing to the girl. Why is this happening? Reasons are very simple:

1. The guy likes her but don't know if she likes him too and don't have the balls to confess/ask her, in fear of being rejected.
2. The guy likes her too but dare not take the first step.
3. It's all one sided from the girl.
4. The girl is despo.
5. The guy have no interest in her but keeps showing that he do have interest in her. (aka JERK)

Actually it's hard to say whose fault is it. Because everybody is different isn't it? For me, I did confess to a guy before, thinking that he likes me too because of all his actions but I was wrong... End up, everything became so awkward. The best thing was he didn't even accept or reject, all he said was, "I want to concentrate on studies first and I think you should too.." I held on for a really long time until i realised he actually had a girlfriend. It was a blow for me but there's nothing I can do what. I also cannot say it's his fault. I only can say it's just my fault, my fault for being so stupid, so blind, so gullible.

Ever since then, I've learnt that no matter how much a guy text you, it may mean nothing to them. No matter how much they show that they care about you, you're actually friendzoned. For me, as soon as I know a guy, they are automatically friendzoned. Really scared of falling for someone I'm not supposed to. The thoughts of it just scares me too much. And the experiences from my friends, are not helping at all. In fact, it's encouraging me, like telling me, "Hey Jia, great job! Keep going this way!"

I think I'm going to die alone. HAHA. Nope, I'm not going to. I don't mind not getting married, because I'll adopt kids! ^^

I don't want others to like me for my appearance(LIE), but for who I am. 
I want others to like me for who I am even if I'm ugly.

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