
Saturday, May 11, 2013


This post is dedicated to a great pal of mine, whom promised me he/she will stop cutting himself/herself and all those out there who harms themselves. (Please read on, will you?)

Have you ever asked yourself...

Why do people harm themselves?

Is it because it's their hobby? Or is it because they enjoy doing it?
It's because they are troubled and have no one to approach, so they vent it on themselves. Something which I find it really terrible is the physical harm they do to themselves actually doesn't matter to them because the emotional harm brought to them hurts even more. Just imagine how hurt they are emotionally...

Self-harm (SH) or deliberate self-harm (DSH) includes self-injury (SI) and self-poisoning and is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions. 

They hurt themselves quietly without letting others know because they are afraid. Afraid of what? The cruel society, friends, family.

Just imagine how terrible they feel deep inside... Feeling so terrible inside but cannot share with anybody, harms themselves and tries to hide it from everywhere. It's like a turtle stuck in a fishing net. Survivable but dying.

Many self-harmers are very self-conscious of their wounds and scars and feel guilty about their behavior leading them to go to great lengths to conceal their behavior from others.[5]They may offer alternative explanations for their injuries, or conceal their scars with clothing.[25][26] Self-harm in such individuals may not be associated with suicidal or para-suicidal behavior. People who self-harm are not usually seeking to end their own life; it has been suggested instead that they are using self-harm as a coping mechanism to relieve emotional pain or discomfort or as an attempt to communicate distress.[10][11] Alternatively, interpretations based on the supposed lethality of a self-harm may not give clear indications as to its intent: life risking behaviour may have no suicidal intent, whilst seemingly superficial cuts may have been a suicide attempt.[citation needed]
Studies of individuals with developmental disabilities (such as mental retardation) have shown self-harm being dependent on environmental factors such as obtaining attention or escape from demands.[27] Some individuals may suffer from dissociation harboring a desire to feel real or to fit into society's rules

I think one of the main reason why people hurt themselves is because of:

I'm sure this is where the majority girls will come from.
Having feelings for a guy and the guy kept rising hopes for them only to crush them by getting into a relationship with another girl / reject straight in her face / ignores her out of a sudden without any reason / made used of her.

This really sucks. Many guys think that girls are very strong. But I've got to say that girls are really fragile inside, no matter how tough they may look. You see them smiling all the time but deep inside, they are actually broken and all they need is someone to love them unconditionally. It may seem to be something really simple but reality just says the opposite.

It's really rare for guys to understand how girls can feel. Like 1 out of 50?
I wouldn't say I've never experienced this. The emotional harm caused is really really cannot be described with words. I remember how I would cry to sleep, thinking how did things go this way. But I've never had the courage to harm myself by cutting because I was afraid of the pain and everything. So what I did was to scribble all my thoughts down before crying to sleep and when I wake up, everything will feel better.

Is he/she worth?
Ask yourself this before doing anything silly. What's the point of hurting yourself while he/she's out there enjoying their life? Why not move on and trust me, it isn't the end of the world. There are so many millions of people out there! Don't bother fighting a losing war, thinking that there may be 5% of winning it because majority of the time you'll end up losing.

Trust me, if he/she really love you, he/she would have found out that you harm yourself without you telling them. And if he/she doesn't find out, it simply means that they didn't even noticed you.

A message to all:
If you have no interest in someone, please don't give them any hope. Yes it's okay to be friends, but please there's a limit to everything.. So please don't go around giving hope to someone and only after he/she fell in love with you, you tell them, "Oh, sorry I didn't know I gave you hope. But I have no special feelings for you." You have no idea how much hurt you can actually bring to them just by this sentence.

Self-harm is most common in adolescence and young adulthood, usually first appearing between the ages of 12 and 24.[1][5][6][17][18] Self-harm in childhood is relatively rare but the rate has been increasing since the 1980s.[19] However, self-harm behaviour can nevertheless occur at any age,[12] including in the elderly population.[20] The risk of serious injury and suicide is higher in older people who self-harm.

Look around you, your family, your friends, have you realised changed in someone and/or suspect one self harming? Go up to them and talk to them! They need to know that they're loved and I'm sure things will go better..

Let's play a game.
It's called The Butterfly Project.

The rules:
1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker or pen and draw a butterfly on whether the self-harm occurs.
2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better or someone who means a lot to you.
3. No scrubbing the butterfly off.
4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, it dies. If you don't cut, it lives.
5. If you have more than one, cutting kills them all.
6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special, take good care of them.
7.Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that is suffering right now, and them them. It could help.


I want all of you to know......


I'll always be here for you.

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