
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Pardon my title of this post HAHA. It's a joke between me and hanyi teehee. I find it really interesting how both of us are pretty much similar, can relate about almost everything but one thing that we're completely different is... SHE IS SO NOT ROMANTIC. She hates flowers, she don't want a wedding ring, she hates candlelight dinner. WHUT. And I'm like romantic is everything ~ HAHA.

Cognitive today was good! Proud to say so ^^ For the past 3 lessons, I really don't fully understand everything but today... I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING ^^ Cognitive is the only module that I've got C all the way ): If I don't get at least a B for today's lesson, I'll be damn sad lor... And OMG SCHOOL HOLIDAY IS REACHING!!!! From next Thursdayyyyyyyy.

Wore shorts to school today, after like 1287364923725376214371 days. (Exaggerate too much uh...) SHIOK. Really hope everyday can wear shorts lor. I hate wearing jeans. REALLY HATE IT. I miss Pris, Cole, Xut, Vin, Justin, Berwyn, Yiqi, Elyana, basically everybody from shs. ): #randommmmmm Tomorrow got PP Welcome Tea, follow by dinner with the girlsssssss. Always having sinful dinner with them eh :/ Hah whetever luh :b


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