
Saturday, May 18, 2013

When you look me in the eyes.

I've no idea what this post title should be because there's no fixed topic i'm going to talk about. I'm just going to rant and idk. And right now, I'm listening to this song ^ that explains the post title (:

From Primary to Secondary to Poly, am I still the same me? I've got to say I think I've changed, be it physically or emotionally.

Primary school, I was a shy girl who is like really anti-social, and don't talk to people unless they talk to me first. And that 6 years were really like a rollar coaster for me. There were many bad memories but also it taught me that not all your 'friends' will be there for you when the darkest struck you.

Secondary school, I started off as a shy girl until I met my first 2 best friends (Proud to say so) Pris and Siti, and they changed me. Basically, that 4 years changed me. I've never thought I would actually have the chance of wearing black shoes (student councillor), but I did so in Secondary 2. And that was just the start... And really I've never once imagined myself in an UG CCA. I'm glad Siti dragged me along to join NPCC because it's the main reason for who I am today. And NPCC is also the reason why I've them as my best friends <3

To be truthful, in primary school I've never dared to talk to boys. Because I'm really damn shy. Completely opposite from me now, actually I'm still a little shy, if put me alone with someone hehe. But Sec 1, I've met good guy friends like Sean, Nathan, Xinwei, Patrick and slowly I became more open and you know start texting guys.

Sec 2, me, Siti and Pris were all seperated into different classes and once again, I got into the shy mood because my classmates were all people whom I know but not know know. But surprisingly, I actually got used to the people within 2 days and started cliquing well. I think it was like a test for me, and I've passed! I've made close girls and guys friends. This was also the year where I've made more guy good friends, or improved on our friendships. It was good memories now that I think back... (: Hitting Kenneth's table whenever teacher looking at his direction because he fell asleep, sneaking food back to class with Faith, AT lessons always pair up with Nathan so that we can talk about our crushes/he teasing me about my r/s, staying back after exams just to play paper ball war, having cycling gatherings. It was an amazing year.

Of course not forgetting NPCC, because of H1N1, we didn't have much parade in Sec 1 so my batch wasn't close at all, in fact we don't even know each other. But Sec 2, we got slightly closer and me and pris were like damn enthu. We join almost every event lol (: And of course, we got to know our seniors even better. (Yes, my first r/s was with my senior. It was good memories.)

Sec 3, I got back into the same class as Pris! It was also the year I became bffs with Nicole, Xueting, Shermaine, Navinn, Berwyn and Justin. It was a crazy year for us because we did lots of crazy things together. Forever going out after school to eat, slack, play. This is also the year we formed SWC, me, pris, yiqi, jinyang and wesley. The year where 40th batch became really close from the many courses we had to attend. My first birthday bash I've ever received was from them (': DAMN TOUCHED even though they smashed cake on me.

Sec 4, was another crazy year. We started to rebel. Taking our own sweet time walking back to class after assembly, spending hell lots of time in the toilet, still enjoying our meals when 2nd bell rang, use phone openly in class... Now to think back, I didn't regret actually HAHA. It was fun. Okay this is bad influence whoops. Every English lesson, I would migrate over to Justin's table because he was sitting at the back corner seat some more, Nicole will join us and that's when we'll start camwhoring. With Justin's phone. I think he have like thousands photos of us LOL. Then Navinn will sometimes bastard by telling Mrs Chan we're using phone, but obviously we know how to act one. Actually I think Mrs Chan knows we're not doing her work lor, she just don't want to say anything. Amaths lesson, me, pris, xueting, nicole and shermaine will combine table and start gossiping and end up with many warnings from Mr Liu. Actually we got listen lah, after like 30 minutes of Amaths, our brains auto shut off so.....

I very lazy to continue leh :b I feel like deleting the entire chunk of words I've wrote but I don't bear to.... So I shall just post it luh. HEHE.

Anyways I want to do a nice ending, so i shall finish up the poly part before uploading this post. (:

Poly, I started off shy as well but this time only 1 day, before we started t clique well. Even though my class has age ranges, we were able to go well. But these days, I've noticed that there are like X don't like Y thing going on, and I find it normal. Because we're an all girls class! GIRLS~ It's been a month. How time flies (:

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