
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day


Thank you Mummy for bringing me to this world 17 years ago. Thank you for bringing me up, into who I am right now. I'm sorry for causing you to be worried sick when I fell sick, when I went through operation, when I just go mia on you. I'm sorry for constantly causing you to be mad with me, talking back to you, all the stupid and rude things I did/said. I'm sorry. and... I LOVE YOU. More than words can ever describe.

Also wishing all my friends' mummy a Happy Mother's Day! ^^

Yesterday we went to Hotel Miramar Peach Garden for Mother's Day dinner.

This is what we had^. Honestly, it wasn't really a good experience for us because after ordering, we waited for like 2 hours plus for the food to arrive. We booked 2 tables (1 adult, 1 youngsters) and submitted our orders at the same time but the adults got served like a few dishes while the youngsters were served nothing other than tea. When all of us were really hungry and cannot tank anymore, the adults brought over a few dishes that were theirs to our table and went to chase them for the food.

But the service and food was good. This auntie was serving us and she's great! Friendly and nice. Though the waiting time was long, we had a good time talking. It have been ages since we all sat together and chit chat like that. Fun time laughing and talking about those old days.

Overall, I would rate it a 6.5/10.

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