
Sunday, May 5, 2013


Sometimes, I do wonder is it necessary to have a relationship, to get married and have kids? I'm sure most girls first ever dream was to meet their Prince Charming, love at first sight, get married, have cute kids and live happily ever after. But that isn't reality. Reality hurts. Prince charming don't come just like that, knocking on your doorstop with a bouquet of flowers and a diamond ring.

Reality is probably.....

Everything have to start somewhere. Personally, I feel that the key to happily ever after is...

1. Say hi - Be friends.
I mean this is the basic level 1 that we should all begin with. I strongly do not believe in love at first sight. Yes this always happen in fairytales but dude, is life a fairytale? NO. And probably what I'm going to say next is gonna make some guys get mad or whatever but like I said, it's my perspective, you don't have to agree with whatever I say.

Girls' Golden Rule: Guys take the first step.

Yes, you may say I'm traditional thinking and all those shit but still, I believe in this. We may be in a more outgoing generation, I still feel that guys should be the gentlemen by taking the first step. I know like how these days it doesn't matter who starts a conversation first and all those nonsense but I know most of my girl-friends do have the same thinking as me. Guys take the first step. You don't have to agree with me, I'm just sharing my thoughts.

That's right, start by saying hi and TADAH, you've successfully created a new friendship. It's this simple.

2. Getting to know one another better - Be Yourself.
This step, I think it's like one of the most important step lah. BE YOURSELF. This is extremely important because this is the step when you open your heart and invite him/her into it and basically just be yourself. Don't be afraid that he/she will judge you because everyone on this earth is judgmental. Let people judge all they want. This step will probably also be the step where you both get closer, get to know common things, and yeah...

I don't get it why people always try to act glam and all in front of their crush? I mean if you act all glam in front of them, are you like going to act glam for the rest of your life too? It's stupid right. And it also means that he/she fell for the act-glam you, and not the real you. So go ahead and be yourself and if it's meant to be, he/she will fall for you eventually.

3. Trust and freedom
After getting into a relationship, learn to trust one another. In a relationship, trust is a key factor. Don't always suspect that he/she is actually cheating on you when he/she goes out with his/her friend. Have trust in him/her. And be fair to both yourself and him/her. You don't have to see him/her everyday... Everybody needs their own freedom and also their own time with their friends right. If you want it, so does he/she. So be reasonable.

Don't be clingy. Everybody hates a clingy relationship. Always remember that be it you or him/her, they will want some time alone, or some time to spend with their bro/sis/friends/family. And please, there's so not thing that after getting into a relationship, you cannot have any contact with the opposite sex. Bitch please, now what century already... TRUST IS NEEDED HERE.

Actually I find myself so contradicting. Says someone who only experienced failed relationship... Oh well, but i'm saying from... what I experience when my friends get into relationships, and it's just my perspective luh. hehe.


Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?

Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?

Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..

Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..

Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..

Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..

Boy: Well, she…
His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?

His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.


  • Boy: Hey, hun!
  • Girl: Hey.
  • Boy: I missed you at school today. Why weren't you there?
  • Girl: Yeah, I had to go to the doctor.
  • Boy: Oh really? Why?
  • Girl: Oh, nothing. Just some annual shots, that's all.
  • Boy: Oh.
  • Girl: So what did you guys do in Math today?
  • Boy: You didn't miss anything that great, just a lot of notes.
  • Girl: Okay, good.
  • Boy: Yeah.
  • Girl: Hey, I have a question to ask.
  • Boy: Okay, ask away.
  • Girl: How much do you love me?
  • Boy: You know I love you more than anything in this world.
  • Girl: Yeah.
  • Boy: Why did you ask?
  • Girl: *silence*
  • Boy: Is something wrong?
  • Girl: No. Nothing at all. Um. How much do you care about me?
  • Boy: I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could.
  • Girl: You would?
  • Boy: Yeah of course I would. *sounding worried* Is there something wrong?
  • Girl: No, everything's fine.
  • Boy: Are you sure?
  • Girl: Yeah.
  • Boy: Okay. I hope so.
  • Girl: Would you die for me?
  • Boy: I would take a bullet for you any day, hun.
  • Girl: Really?
  • Boy: Any day. Now, seriously, is there something wrong?
  • Girl: No, I'm fine. You're fine. We're fine. Everyone and everything is fine.
  • Boy: Okay.
  • Girl: Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow at school.
  • Boy: Alright, bye. I love you!
  • Girl: Yeah. I love you too. Bye.
  • Boy: Hey, have you seen my girlfriend today?
  • Friend: No.
  • Boy: Oh.
  • Friend: She wasn't here yesterday, either.
  • Boy: I know. She was acting all weird on the phone last night.
  • Friend: Well, dude, you know how girls are sometimes.
  • Boy: Yeah, but not her.
  • Friend: I don't know what else to say, man.
  • Boy: Okay, well I gotta get to English. I'll see ya after school.
  • Friend: Yeah I gotta get to Science. Later.
  • Girl: Hello?
  • Boy: Hey.
  • Girl: Oh, hey.
  • Boy: Why weren't you at school today?
  • Girl: Uh, I had another appointment with the doctor.
  • Boy: Are you sick?
  • Girl: Um, I have to go. My mom’s calling on the other line.
  • Boy: I’ll wait.
  • Girl: It may take a while. I’ll call you later.
  • Boy: Alright. I love you.
  • -very long pause-
  • Girl: *with a tears in her eyes* Look, I think we should break up.
  • Boy: What?!
  • Girl: It’s the best thing for us right now.
  • Boy: Why?
  • Girl: I love you.
  • Boy: Hey dude.
  • Friend: Hey.
  • Boy: What’s up?
  • Friend: Nothing. Hey, have you talked to your ex lately?
  • Boy: No.
  • Friend: So you didn’t hear?
  • Boy: Hear what?
  • Friend: Um, I don’t know if I should be the one to tell you…
  • Boy: Dude, just tell me!
  • Friend: Uh. Call this number, 433-555-3468.
  • Boy: Okay, thanks!
  • Voice: Hello, Suppam County Hospital. This is Nurse Victoria.
  • Boy: Uh, I must have the wrong number. I’m looking for my friend.
  • Voice: What is their name, sir?
  • *boy gives info*
  • Voice: Yes, this is the right number. She’s one of our patients here.
  • Boy: Really? Why? What happened? How is she?
  • Voice: Her room number is 646 in building A, suite 3.
  • Voice: Please come by, sir, and you can see her. Goodbye.
  • Boy: WAIT! NO!
  • Boy: Oh my God, are you okay?
  • Girl: *silence*
  • Boy: Dear, talk to me!
  • Girl: I..
  • Boy: You what?
  • Girl: I have cancer and I’m on life support.
  • Boy: *breaks into tears*
  • Girl: They're taking me off tonight.
  • Boy: Why?
  • Girl: I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t .
  • Boy: Why didn’t you tell me?
  • Girl: I didn’t want to hurt you.
  • Boy: You could never hurt me.
  • Girl: I just wanted to see if you felt about me the same as I felt about you.
  • Boy: Huh?
  • Girl: I love you more than anything. I would give you the world in a heartbeat. I would die for you and take a bullet for you.
  • Boy: *crying*
  • Girl: Don’t be sad. I love you and I’ll always be there with you.
  • Boy: Then why did you break up with me?
  • Nurse: Young man, visiting hours are over.
  • The boy leaves and later that night the girl is taken off of life support and dies, but what the boy didn’t know is that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time. She only broke up with him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks left to live and thought that it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.
  • The boy is found dead with a gun in one hand and a note in the other.
  • “I told her that I would take a bullet for her, just like she said she would die for me.”

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