
Saturday, May 18, 2013


Took bus to school alone because I was slightly late. Met up with Rachel, Yiting and Hanyi at the interchange before we walk to school together. Missed Rachel so much because she did not come to school for the past 2 days.

So when we reached class, I was like this:

After break 1, I was like this:

After break 2, I was like this:

Lesson was so tough and I couldn't even concentrate. I tried but I end up staring at the worksheet for 2 whole minutes with nothing going through my brain. Luckily Glenn helped me a little by guiding me on twitter HAHA, even though we only knew each the day before. The world so small, he's actually friends with Lynette and Azly as well! Small world (: Really thankfully for having Mr Wong as my science faci because even though the topic was really tough, he didn't stress us by keep teaching and teaching and teaching but he slow down his teaching and in fact, went group by group to explain to us. And also, not forgetting his funny jokes. He + Yiting = Me laugh till I cry.

He is the only faci that keeps saying the "No eating in class" joke lor. I LIKE ^^ Yiting say maybe he is her past life's father. HAHA so cute. Going to see him 3 weeks later! (On a happy note: HOLIDAY IS COMING!) I think I'm addicted to Lawn Canteen's Mango Juice <3 But cannot drink it too often, so must endure a bit ah. I'm also addicted to Hanyi's piggyback :b Maybe because she is the only who piggybacks me for the past 16, reaching 17 years. HAHA, I never dared to be piggybacked because I scared both me and the person who piggyback will fall. HAHA. But it's so funnnnnn!!!!! Yiting say I cannot piggyback anybody because of my backbone. When she said that, it suddenly struck me like, "OMG. Are you kidding me?" I've always wanted to try piggybacking somebody but I don't think I'll have that chance again.... Oh well.


Went for Jive Welcome Tea with Yiting. It was fun so time passed quite fast. While eating, we chit chat with our groupmates and the student leaders. Funny and nice people I've met. Daddy came to pick me up after that because I know if I take a bus back to Tampines, I'll reach only at like 9.30? Fell asleep on the way home. Tired....

The ice cream couple was at our house downstairs when we were walking from the carpark so I decided to treat daddy to ice cream since he came to pick me up ^^ Was expecting for some yummy dinner but Mummy went out with her friends tsk. End up daddy cooked maggie mee. Didn't eat much because I ate some at Jive Welcome Tea already. While bringing my bowl of maggie back to the kitchen, a big fat scary moth flew towards me and.... I screamed and ran back to the dining room. Dajie and Zhengnie was laughing their ass off because they knew there was a moth in the kitchen but didn't tell me. SO BAD ): Because of the moth, I spilled soup on the floor ): Thankfully Daddy my superhero came to my rescue! But it was funny how the moth can scare him too hehe. I love you daddy :*

Washed up the dishes before went to bathe. Didn't write much for RJ because I was so tired and mad because of a stupid douchebag, who hurt my friend. Really, it's because of guys like him, that caused girls to have the thinking that all guys are the same. He look like a nice guy but who would have thought that he's actually a jerk. Kissing a girl when you have no feelings for her from the start?! Wtf. And blaming her for falling in love with her? Who on earth kiss someone on the lips and then tell them you don't like her? You have no feelings for her? You have feelings for someone else since the very start? Seriously, fuck you.


Be thankful I'm longer in that school or really I don't know if I can actually keep myself from glaring at you dude. Not because I'm eyecandying on you but because I feel so tempted to walk up to you and give you a kick at your youknowwhere. It's really hard to find a nice guy these days. Really cannot judge a book by it's cover. The world is becoming scarier.....


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