
Friday, May 10, 2013


This morning don't know why I felt like tying ponytail and I did! And I felt as though I'm going to school (shs). Really miss those days...

Today another faci taught us instead of our usual faci. She was a fun faci! I'm sure the other girls agree with me tooooo. I very the vain leh teehee. Today from ponytail to bun to ponytail to let down. Whoops. Rachel let me use her body lotion and omg the smell is...... FUN-TARS-TIC. When Team 1 was doing their presentation, I was like applying body lotion on myself HAHA. Vain mood onnnnn. Couldn't stop smelling myself after that. I'm so funny, keep making people smell me hehe :b After school, me and Hanyi took 969 together and we had a good chat about out past relationships and I found out that we are actually similar eh. (: Love her.

Did my first ever eyebrow threading today. It wasn't planned at all. 100% impromptu yo. And the best part was.... IT WAS FREE. Must be wondering how right? Simple. Just go to Tampines 1 Sasa located at level 2 and buy any makeup product and TADAH! You are entitled to either a makeup session or eyebrow threading. I spent only $5 at Sasa and I got a free eyebrow service. Good deal or what?! At first I wasn't really sure if I really want to do it. But i was convinced to and honestly... I didn't regret (:

Look at my eyebrow!! The process wasn't as painful as expected. At first yes it hurts but after a few it's like meh, no feeling. And yes omg my first ever successful eye makeup!!!! So satisfied! ^^ Ok going to sleep now. Will blog tomorrow. Nights :*

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