
Monday, May 20, 2013

More than words.

Sunday was spent at ahma house again. Love how we gather every Sunday, the family warmth feeling... Cannot be described but it's really heartwarming. Awesome Sunday ^^ Had a fun time tweeting the boys - Iman, Kholish and Jazmi. I really miss those days when I was still a CL... So from all the tweet convo with iman, kholish, jazmi and killian(glenn) (my new friend ^^), my phone didn't manage to charge much. HAHA.

Had a hard time falling asleep again (I need some special lullaby) . And when I finally do, I had to wake up because of the heat after an hour. So from 5 hours of sleep, it became 4 hours of sleep. Surprisingly I managed to wake up on time the next morning! Took 168 to woodlands alone because Fel fell sick and Ling starts school earlier. Throughout the journey I was busy playing Line POP and didn't sleep at all. FIRST TIME. And Line POP is way too addictive!!!!!!

Took 902 with Rach, Yiting and Hanyi. Early morning make me so hyper (: Had Tomyam from Lawn Canteen again. But don't know why today no appetite, stomach hurts like crap also. Ate half only :/ Everything was good until break 2. Someone just had to spoil my peaceful Monday. Great job. I was really angry where I just felt like crying. You know tears of anger.... But thanks to the girls, I didn't. Rach ran from her seat to me just to give me a hug :') Hanyi sent a virtual hug over. So sweet ah the girls :*

Presentation obviously suck big time but I got nothing to say. Even if I have not like they will take in, so whatever lor. We ended class at 3.15pm but must stay back for some UT dry run test. So we went for shopping at Booklink. They sell bubble eh! Rachel bought 1 and we played it. So fun!!! I sound like I deprive of childhood whoops. UT dry run was... kind of screwed up. My UT Client shut down just because I was connected to internet. Not only me, but many others too. Our poor faci headache from solving all the problems haha (:

After that went W4 to submit the F1 forms with Hanyi and Rach before walking to interchange together. Took 969 back with Hanyi. Played LinePOP on the way back. Went to buy chocolates because I was angry and needed something sweet. But I just realised that my chocolates melted ): Hopefully putting it into the fridge will help to bring it back to life!!


On the way home, I used and came across really really mean things. At first I was like okay can, whatever but when he/she started calling me, my sister and MY MOTHER a slut, I couldn't hold back anymore. I mean seriously, hello?! who are you to call others a slut? Do you even know what's the meaning of slut?

1. a dirty, slovenly woman.
2.a. a sexually immoral woman.
   b. a prostitute.

Do you know how mean this is? Why does people like to drag other's family in when they didn't even do anything wrong?! Luckily it didn't go on too long. But honestly, I was quite thankful this happened because I know I'm loved by friends like Vin and Ely (': Friends like them are hard to come...

I think I'm pmsing, which means time of the month is arriving soon. This is a warning: DO NOT MAKE ME ANGRY. Because I don't know.... I'm more sensitive these few months. VERY VERY EMOTIONAL.

To what? I DON'T TELL YOU :b
I'm so excited but I have no plans yet ):

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