
Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday blues.

HEYYYYY. A new week ahead~ How's your day?

For me, I started my day well. (Surprisingly.) 168 came on time and yeah slept all the way to Woodlands. Met Rachel at Booklink before walking to class together. Marketing lessons was okay. Actually today was very fun, very crazy. In the morning, all the girls were damn moody because of the hot weather but after that, all became happy and hyper YAY.

I was supposed to persuade Hanyi to go for the SOH drama production thing but end up it was the other way round.... She persuaded me NOT to go. KNS. So after school, we went to Mc Donald's, eat and htht. Continued our htht on our way home. I swear she is the most NOT romantic woman I've ever met :/ HAHA. We talked about what we look for in our next half and like basically whatever girls can talk about ah. After she alighted, I went to sleep. HEHE. Oh I bought the 50 cents sushi for the family and it was not bad (According to them). Next time can buy already ^^

Tomorrow got Maths and after school, Storm Welcome Tea. Kind of excited ehhhhh. HEHE. Shit, I'm starting to hyped out now :/ MAINTAIN.......

Oh yes!

Fu lao shi!!! Aww, my secondary 1 and 1/4 secondary 2 chinese teacher (before I got transferred into HCL) and my secondary 2 Co-form teacher. Totally worth learning from.
Summarised: She wrote about how her mum (93 years old) cooked chicken porridge without chicken for her dad, who was ill then, and how her mum brought her and her siblings up. Fu lao shi won $1000 for her mum and is going to spend it on what her mum likes/wants. SO SWEET :')

Another thing....


Okay that's all for today. GOODNIGHT :*

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