
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

As you wish.

There is no guarantee that everyone who entered your life will remain and not leave. In fact, people do leave as and when they want to. The feeling sucks, watching someone fade away from your life and there's nothing you can do to bring him/her back. It's like.... You have no idea when one will just leave your life. That's probably the scary thing about meeting new people. YOU HAVE COMPLETELY NO IDEA HOW MUCH THEY'LL IMPACT ON YOUR LIFE. But also at the same time, you're curious perhaps they are the right ones, they will stay. It's really hard to say. You may still call them your friend but maybe after a month or so of not meeting up, you two just becomes strangers. I hate it. It just reminds me that our friendship is actually so weak to withstand the obstacles we've met in life. It may upset me but I know that if I keep holding onto it, end of the day I'll be the only one hurt. Because I'm the only one who give a fuck... Life is too complicated. Society is cruel.

I hate having to go through this. Not once, not twice, not thrice, but many many times. Tell me, how do I know if he'll still leave in the end.....

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