
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Officially 17 now.

But meh I'm still not legal yet damn. Honestly, I'm really looking forward to my 18th birthday. Reasons being, I wonder if my friends will still celebrate my birthday with me, who will celebrate with me, and obviously because I'm legal.

This year, honestly, I didn't expect myself to have fun because firstly, I'm in a new school for less than a year, not even half a year, so the friendships established are not that strong yet, so I wasn't expecting them to celebrate my birthday for me, and I'm having school on my birthday, first time ever, and my other close friends are all different schools from me. But I was proved wrong.

Saturday, we had a family dinner at White Sands Xin Wang and it was great because it's been ages since it's been full house. We had fun eating and talking about everything, the feeling of family. <3

Sunday, went to ahma house first before meeting some of the oev peeps at Orchard Central. Lepak at EwF and Cold Stone. It's amazing how all of us grew since sec 2, never knew we could keep in touch for this long because all of us are spread from North, South, East, West, bascially every part of Singapore, so meeting up can be quite an issue. But thankfully at least we made the effort to meet up at least twice every year. ^^ Can't wait for december, chalet!!!! woohoo!

Monday, MY BIRTHDAY. I reached home only at 12am and I was very touched when I received my friends' smses and tweets. "Ah, they remember my birthday." The feeling is amazing. But sadly I've school. Like I've mentioned before, this is my first time having school on my birthday. I've never ever once had school on my birthday yknow. But it was a great experience. Excluding the fact that I've to be up at 6am in the morning. My lovely class girls are amazing. They surprised me with a cake during break 2. (': Damn sweet.

Yeah then yknow the usual stuffs of a typical birthday. The last highlight of my birthday would be at night. I was all ready to watch drama to end my day when I received a call from Pris. She asked if I was free, whether if I can meet up with her. She sounds like she's crying and it totally scared me. So she told me she was on her way to my house already. When I met her at my void deck, she looked sad yeah then she said she got chased out of her house by her mum. I was thinking like, "Hmm, something sweet can make one happy." So I asked her if she wants to go for dessert. But she was like hesitant, but I dragged her luh. hehe than suddenly Jinyang was in front of us, on his bike. His reaction was damn funny! "Oh shit! Boo!" Then pris said that she called him first then come find me one. I believed her luh. XD Then we talk talk, and I was like keep asking them to go for dessert but they keep saying, "Serious ah? Really ah?" Then suddenly someone scared me from the back! Guess who?! Yiqiiiiiii!!!!

Wahhhhh I couldn't believe it man. Because that stupid kuku, before I left house, I was still telling him that I'm going meet Pris and she sounds like she's crying. And he was like, "Omg, are you serious? Is she okay? Want me to go down? Okay you go talk to her first." Then the next moment, TADAH!, he was there! Wah..... Then we sat at my void deck and talk. He damn cute luh please. Because he couldn't buy until a cake, he bought cookies. 1 big girl cookie and 7 other cookie tarts. And his theory, "Because I couldn't find a cake, so I bought this to replace. The big girl cookie represent 10 candles and the 7 cookie tarts represent a small candle each." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA too cute to tank. XD

They wanted me to eat finish all before I go home but too much luh, I ate 2 tarts and wanted to make him and pris eat 1 each too. (By then jinyang went home first because he had a tummyache.) So we ended up playing black and white, loser eat. Guess who lost? YI QI. hahahahahahahaha you should see his reaction! XD Friends like them are so hard to find.

Amazing 17th birthday.

Next year the today, I'll be....... 18. hehe ^^

Okay, pictures to end this post. (:


Candid lol!


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