He's one of my favourite actor in Glee and just like that.... He's gone, for good.
"The 31-year-old actor — who played Finn Hudson on the TV show Glee — died Saturday in Vancouver. He was was found dead in his room at the Fairmont Pacific Rim Hotel around noon yesterday after staffers went to check on him when he didn’t check out on time.
Can you imagine how sad Lea Michele is now?

"Lea found the news out by telephone, and was shocked to her very core, a source said."
“Lea broke down in tears when she heard the news,” a source said. “Cory was her whole world. They’ve been through a lot together.”
Just imagine, the one you intend to spend the rest of your life with, left you behind, all alone. Why Cody. WHY.
If you promise to love someone, you keep your promise and love her for the rest of your life.
Why leave her all alone, to suffer the devastating news, the reality that you are gone.

Okay, enough of sad news.
I realised that I haven't been blogging that much these days but however my stats are rising lol! It's like the lesser I blog, the higher my stats go. hmm so maybe I should blog lesser isn't it? hahahahahah kidding yo!
School was like usual, marketing, mathematics, cognitive process and problem solving, effective communication and science. Omg did I tell you?! I thought my effective comm faci is pregnant because she has a tummy bump, so there was once when we have to feedback on her and I wrote, "Despite faci being pregnant, she fought the haze and went out to the open with us during the Army Open house." And then a few days later, Vivan and Rachel told me that she's not pregnant and I was like...
HOLYMOLYMAMA eifhweiejfbwiefbcjkdbfnewfbveiwbvwiu.
It's gonna be so awkward.
On Friday, we had a theme 'Colour Block' plus heels. And that morning, it was so awkward!! I felt so out of place like that and I felt so paranoid like as though people were giving me the weird stares. Couldn't wait to meet up with hanyi, yiting and rachel because it was so damn weird. Really weird. All the girls are so pretty!!!! But of course there are spoilers luh. Oh well... During meeting 3, the girls decided to give me a makeup theraphy. Or more of like Hanyi... But honestly, hanyi skills are great!! They say I look good but honestly... I see no difference HAHAHA.
After school, went back to shs to meet bestiepie, syukri and jazmi! Me and bestiepie had a catchup session with Mr Liu and omg I really can't believe whatever he told us lol. He was like, "Next time when you all got boyfriend ah, must bring him come see me first. I will interview him then at the end of the day, I will give you a paper to tell you if pass or fail." HAHAHA WTF. So naggy sia. XD But it was a fun catch up session. ^^ After that, we had dinner at BK. Ely and Ryan joined us too! Then we just lepaked here and there. It was a fun day with them. (:
Saturday, me and bestiepie went shopping at Scape and Bugis before meeting Cole for dinner! So when we were shopping at Scape, my shoe broke! First, the left sole came up, fine, we walked around trying to find an affordable place to buy new shoes. Then slowly my shoe started to come off one by one. IT WAS SO EPIC. Passerbys laughed at us sia. HAHAHAHAHAHA. We had a great laugh about it though. Had some steamboat buffet for dinner and it was okay~~ When we 3 unite, I tell you, it's no joke. We were laughing at almost everything like drunkards sia. HAHA! Okay, let the pictures do all the sayings ok!
Can you see my spoiled shoes?!
(Imagine me walking around with it. IN TOWN.)
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