
Monday, July 1, 2013

Bus rides.

I love long bus rides. Don't you?

Omg it's been almost week since I've updated. Last week was a pretty packed week for me, and I actually kind of forgot about this heh. OPPS. But I'm back!!!

So let's see...
Wednesday: I had Maths UT and it was pretty doable? Hopefully I get an A! So after UT, I went over to Ahma's house because it was Great grandfather's death anniversary. By the time I reached, I was starving. So hungry that I could eat a cow! (Kidding of course.) Had dinner and chit chat before going home!

Thursday: We had out-of-class learning for Effective Comm. I felt like as though we were going on an excursion because of my outfit and tiny winy bag. The games we played were fun! (For me luh.) We were supposed to end at 12.30 but don't know what happened the school say earliest can release only at 2.30. KNS. After school, went to Ahma house again because Marc and Zheng asked me to. Treated them to ice cream because I was feeling gooddddddd. ^^ Had dinner at Ahma's house before Daddy came to pick me up.

Friday: Science faci is finally back! Miss him so much. He's an amzing faci. Every convo between him and Yiting are too funny to tank. We were telling him about the pickup lines we learnt from last week and he was like, "Aiya, so lame. You go club use that on others, they roll eyes at you ah." HAHA and oh he wasn't here last week because his wife gave birth!! Yay congrats FatC! ^^

After school, we had Science UT then after UT, I took MRT with Hanyi to Serangoon, where I met Bev, Kym, Nat and Ash for Monster Universityyyyyy! The show was awesomeeeeeee! It was really cute and funny. And it brought back many memories like how I get to know my secondary school friends. (': After movie, we went to find Jiujiu and Jiumu at MOS Burger, where we had dinner. Then I went over to their house and stayover!!!

Saturday: Slept with Kym, Nat and Ash. Next day, we had lunch at some DimSum place. Then went back and start prep for bbq later on. Swam with the girls and Zheng. After that, me and Zheng waited for Marc to come since he wants to swim too. I swam for awhile more before going back. The food was FUN-TARS-TIC!! (I think I added like 5kg or what that day.)~Too kua zhang ah. HAHAHA. Then I went to play with Ashaley and her friends - Tegan, Aston, Tricia and Tricia's didi. They are so cute omg. I brought them to the playground and they were so active running about here and there like little monsters! But we had fun luh. (:

The girls wanted me to sleepover another night and mummy allowed so yay! This time, I slept with Bev instead. We had htht till 3am. It's been years since we did that. Last time, when we were younger, before Ashaley was born, I always stayover at their house during the holidays and we'll wait for Ah kym and Ah nat to fall asleep before we talk. Good old days.

Sunday: Next morning, went temple with them and ahma and ahyi too. Had lunch at some marketplace and the char kuey tew was awesome!!! Will go eat there again. After that, Bev went for tuition, Kym and Nat went for Ballet. Me and Ashaley went back and we played Wii! After Bev, Kym and Nat came back, we went to Ahma house!!

And then it's MONDAY. School starts for Primary, Secondary and JC peeps today. School was okay today. Not say very fun, also not say not fun. Yeah I mean it's school~~ How was your day?? ^^

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