
Saturday, September 21, 2013

The F word.


The first person that came into your mind when you read that word is probably the someone you know will be there for you no matter what.

In primary school, I've made a huge and silly mistake which caused me to lose many friends. But I'm honestly thankful for making that mistake because that mistake made me realised that even though I have many 'friends', but when I'm faced with a crisis, most of them ran away without listening to my side of the story, leaving me all alone to face it. In fact, all of them left. Even my so called 'best friends' left... But months after the incident, we started talking again but that only happened because they felt that it was fun to toy with my feelings. Being the quiet and shy girl, I had no courage to stand up for myself and to voice my opinions. So for the remaining time I had before I graduated from primary school were miserable. I felt like I was their..... dog. That was why I did not enjoy my primary school life at all. Till now, not one of them came up to me and asked me why I did it. And because of this, I thought that friendships doesn't exist, only fake friends who make use of you.

So on the first day of secondary school, I was like an awkward turtle.... trying hard to blend in to the crowd/class. Because I was the shy and quiet girl, I didn't have the courage to start a convo with the people in my class. Furthermore, most of them had a friend with them. I honestly felt like the odd one. I thought I had to suffer another 4 years in school. But then I was proved wrong. I'll never forget how Siti came up and started talking to me. I recognised her for we were classmates/good friends when we were in primary 3. I was surprised when she came and talked to me because I thought that nobody will ever wanna befriend me for that mistake. But she talked to me and we started talking about those old days, the happiness in my heart was.... priceless. I was that happy. And then Nicole and Xueting came and talked to us during one of the lunch. I was really envy of them because they were a pair of cute best friends, constantly looking out and helping one another. And then I joined NPCC because of Siti, and I really must thank her for who I am today. If she didn't came up and talked to me, encouraged me to join NPCC, I wouldn't be who I am today.

I felt like I had a new life because of all the new friends who didn't judge me for who I am. The feeling of having friends, real friends, was great! And it's funny how me and Pris became best friends. The process of being best friends were also tough. You probably wouldn't believe that we actually didn't like one another at first. We were always arguing, and didn't talk much. It all started from that day when me and Siti were staying back in class one after school, when Pris ran past and we saw that she was crying. Of course we panicked but we managed to bring her to class and had a chat with her. That was the start of our friendship. And then Siti also managed to persuade her to join NPCC lol.

Sec 2, we were all split into different classes and it's sad to know that we actually drifted apart. But in this year, I've also became closer to people like Nathan, Byran and Kenneth. If it wasn't for NP, I guess we wouldn't be able to still be best friends today. This is also the year when I became extremely close to Elyana, another girl that I would die for. Sec 3, me and Pris got back into the same class. This is actually one of my favourite year. That is because it's when I realised that I do have many friends who love me and am willing to stand for me. It honestly was an amazing year. It was also the first time my friends actually planned a birthday surprise for me. I was really really touched. NPCC, Council and Class, I've found true friends because of these. Friends not only in school, but also from other schools.

Because of my friends, I've changed from the shy and quiet girl to an outgoing girl. So Poly life was actually fun for me. I enjoy making new friends, but I constantly remind myself that there are people who be your friends not because they really want to be your friend, but for other motive.

I'm someone who is very observant, or more of like sensitive. I most of the time knows the truth but because I still treat you as a friend, I'll act like I don't know anything. But every human beings have their own limits and to be frank, like right now,  I do know that there's a friend (not 'friend' because I still wants her in my life) who's making use of me. When I met her after so long, I honestly was shocked to realised that she's so different from the girl I used to know. She used to be that innocent girl, who only wants to make more friends, and hopes that life will be better for her. But right now, she portray herself to be that cool girl that you wouldn't want to mess with her. But there are times I still the old her in the current her and it really makes me sad that she's actually wearing a mask. Wanting to tell her how I miss the old her, but the fear of losing her as a friend is also battling. I really thought she meant it when she said I was her best friend, but I was wrong. And to be best friends, it really isn't just saying. There must be actions and you can't skip steps in the process of being best friends.

Best friends
- Do crazy things together.
- Wants the best for bestie.
- Be pretty together.
- Keep no secrets.
- Protects one another.
- Speaks their mind.
- Doesn't mind spending money on one another.
- Constantly thinks for bestie first then herself.
- Plans future together.
and of course it's an endless list.

If your friend makes you look like a fool just to make herself the prettier one, never spares a thought for you, lies to you, flirts with the guy that you like, idk what other silly things she'll do, but really, trust your sixth sense, it'll be 90% correct, she's probably making use of you.

And best friends don't have to meet or talk everyday. Best friends have a strange yet strong telepathy. They'll still be there for you no matter what.

(24) ღ Mʏ Dяɛams ღ | via Facebook

Ending this post with a collage with the bff.

My guy best friends are none other than NAVINNNNNN and YIQIIIIIIIII. Love love themmmm!

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