Omg my all time favourite c:
I've deleted my previous blogshop because of some issues. But now in the midst of another blogshop. Well, the difference is that this time I'm selling instocks, which means my own clothes. To earn more money, I have to sacrifice certain things isn't it? haha anyways, new blogshop here c:
Today drew out another bag of blood. Woke up at 7.30am and daddy drove me and xiya to SGH. Blood test first. Last week, it didn't hurt that badly but this time it was like, "HOLY MOLY OMG." Then went to have breakfast first because the result was not ready. After like an hour, finally went into the room. Same bed as last week but different nurse this time. This time also hurts like siaoooooo. I'm such a scardy cat sia, throughout the drawing of blood, I've never once looked at how the needle was poked into me, how the blood came out of my veins into the pipe. I don't dare... I scared after that I feel the pain :b This time got a bit swollen, the nurse say because I got sensitive veins. haha. After that took a long bus journey home, we talked about our own individual oev trips. Man, I miss them all :'c Don't know if can go gathering or not, hope my body recovers fastttttt.
7 more days to operation.
Damn fast sia. Feeling scared, happy, nervous, excited. Mixed feelings. At least I know, or I hope, I won't be bored during the hospital stay c: I bet I will feel very loved during that period of time :b Hmm should go to the library to borrow some books in case c: hehe. I'm such a hungry hungry girl now. Got to control my diet abit already. kk goodnight and sweet sweet dreams readers c: *Virtual hug*