I feel like I'm dying inside. Not literally, but mentally and physically. Can't wait for the holidays to reach me, and then, oh wait, and then it's UT3. Damn it. Can't wait for UT3 to be over and that's when the holidays really begin. I can finally sleep in, and no longer need to wake up at 6.15am every morning. But then, I'm finding a job..... Sigh.
I need to work more, and earn more money then hopefully I'll be able to pay for my own school fees and don't need mummy and daddy to give pocket money already. But first of all, I need to get a job. Other than looking for blogshop modelling jobs, I think I'll need a stable job. Oh well, unless I do like really a lot of blogshop modelling then maybe I can no need to find a job. I WISH. Interested blogshop owners, you may email me at dearxijia@gmail.com!!
Kids these days ah... So young already start swearing. And the worst thing is using it on people older than them. It's like.....
I totally regret having vulgarities invading my mouth, really..... But well, I'm just going to contradict myself and end up using the oh-so-colourful language tomorrow. Maybe, yes MAYBE, it's because of people like us, that's why kids are taking on vulgarities like their second language. I mean, just look at us! 9 out of 10 people confirm plus chop use vulgarities and of course, the little kiddos are fast learners and TADAH, new words into their vocabulary. So in conclusion, we have nobody to blame but ourselves. In fact, this problem has no solution. Yes, that's right. NO SOLUTION.
Sometimes, I wonder how do things trend so fast, and the best thing is worldwide. It's like.... it's not describable. The power of technology I guess. HAHAHA.
But then....
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