
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Travel back to time.

I need to be more consistent in blogging. 

1/3 of le family is sick. Fanta and Ya are the ones. (p.s: Fanta is zheng. hehe) Fanta has been falling sick really often these days and it kind of upset me a lot because he looks really pale and sleeps most of the time. Our family doctor cannot tell what illness he is actually suffering from. So we have to wait for probably another week before deciding to bring him to see the specialist. As for Ya, her eyes got infected 3 nights ago. It was a really scary sight to see both her eyes swell up. As for today, her eyes got better and hopefully by Monday, she's all ready for her O'levels Chinese!

Went back shs with Cole yesterday. The feeling was A M A Z I N G. Waited for her at the tp bus stop and the weather was being a pain in the ass. Regretted not bun-ing up my hair... And have I ever mentioned how much I hate the rule of no non-covered shoes in school compound? Saw Qi just as we were crossing the road. Miss him ^^

Went GO to submit Ya's MC before we went to canteen and it was great seeing familiar faces around. It felt like home. We managed to catch up with several teachers like Mr Liu, Mr Bakar, Mdm Loh, Mr Chaing, Ms Ho, Mr Lai! Too bad Mdm Rizah was on MC ): We walked around the school and I love how we will suddenly, "Eh you remember here? Remember how we used to blah blah blah blah." If only Pris, Xut, Vin, Justin, KM, Shermaine and Bird were there with us. It was like a trip back to time....

It was Meet-The-Parents so it was easy to find the teachers haha. Managed to catch up with a few of my juniors too. Those qtpies.... Miss them so badly. (Looks like it's time to go back.) After that we went to canteen and had a htht. You have no idea how much I love htht. Cole
s parents came to find us before we both went home and changed before meeting at Tampines MRT.

Went to watch Fast and Furious 6 with her and 3 of her classmates. Nice peeps. Fast6 was G R E A T. I think whoever that watches a movie with me ah.... Better be prepared, because I'm one who react to everything, every scene. I'm very emotional one k HAHAHA. Worth the watch. After the movie, we went to eat at Swenses. Yummy yummy yum. Felt really fat because the guys had small appetite... Oh well... Managed to catch last bus home yay.

This morning, woke up just in time to bring Fanta to see the doctor. It was a last minute thing actually.. Had to wait under the scorching hot sun for like 20 minutes before a taxi came. Daddy met us there and we were the last patient. Heeee...

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