Day out with YOLO
While waiting for Arun outside of the cinema.......
Faz sneakly snapped pictures of us while we're watching the trailer of Bad Neighbours. (Zac Efron! <3)
After that, we went to Ngee Ann City's Seoul Garden to eat. And it was such a horrible experience....... There were many tourists squeezed into that quite small outlet and they were being really arrogrant by openly cutting queues for the buffet. AND THEY ANYHOW TOUCH PEOPLE. Bad choice to dine there....... Both Faz and Jo ate the chicken I bbq-ed and when I asked how was it, Faz was like..... ".... Nice! Very nice!" And I was quite happy actually HAHA but when I wasn't looking he quickly grabbed a piece of tissue of spit out the meat. HAHHAHAHAAH TOO CUTE LA HE.
Arun joined us at the ending part, when out tummy were going to explode any time soon. Since we were still early for our movie, CAPTAIN AMERICA, we decided to walk around, end up me and Jo got attracted by the cute tiny clothes at Cotton On Kids. While we were looking at the tiny clothes, the boys were watching Batman, that was playing at the shop. #ForeverYoung.
Captain America was so good!!!!!! Apparently, me and Jo talked like damn alot and kept "analyzing" the movie. HAHAHAHA BUT IT'S REALLY DAMN GOOD!!!!!
After the movie, we went Cathay play-station!
And after which, ending our day with hell loads of selfies!!!!!
At Cathay, there were some ongoing comic character drawing and I'm really amazed at how the uncle drew our characters so quickly!!
Haven't spent quality time together, the 4 of us. And I kind of do miss those camp days......
Meet up with secondary school clique.
I really miss them so much. They are the ones who made my last 2 years of secondary school life amazing, and memorable. And well, they are still as bastard as ever...... We met up for zichar near TP and I was like early but they were all late. (It's always I'm early and they are all late or they are all early and I'm late. TSK)
So we ordered our usual, sambal kang kong, pork ribs, cereal prawn (with shells), salted egg meat etc etc. After awhile, the uncle came and said, "那个有壳的虾没有了 (The prawns with shell no more already)" then Xut was like, "YAY" but Cole was like, "Huh why....." Then they 'argue' abit but it all ended with laughter because of Km and Justin who both said, "WAIT! WHAT IS 壳 (shell)?!" HAHAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY SIA THEY ALL.
After dinner, we decided to go to Pris house. So we walked over and on the way the guys decided to troll by walking REALLY SLOW at the bicycle lawn when the word 'SLOW' was on the floor. The aunties and uncles around must be silently cursing us....... At pris house, Justin keep suaning Cole by keep asking her to go to a corner to reflect. HAHA! Played Bluff and I SUCK AT IT, They say my expressions always betray me. BOOOO.

DIY Dye Hair Day
The next day, Jojo came over and we dyed our hair together!!! And hmm, I kind of regret dying my hair? Because my hair turned FREAKING DARK. It's like I've never ever had so black hair before since my natural hair colour was abit brownish already..... The anger I had after I saw the outcome was............ HAHAHAHA YOU WOULDN'T WANT TO KNOW.
Was so angry but met up with Pris, Xut and Cole after Jo went home and they made me feel so much better. LOVE THEM TO THE MOON AND BACK! <3333
Currently modeling for a blogshop. Hopefully I can improve as time goes by.......
After that went to find Xiya at AMK....
42nd Batch POP
Went back to Shs with the bff to help out with trainings. OH HOW I MISS THE OLD DAYS......
And the batch that we first took as a CL (42nd Batch) finally POPed! Next year the batch that POP will be the last batch that I took. I remember before I POPed, I remember promising them that I'll be back for all their POP and so fast, I'm left with 1 final batch that I once took........ How time flies.
#tgiw with Dan and Jan. Amazing experience.....
SLASet Up Booth Day
Day 1
Day 2

The Spa girls!

Bumped into toshbabyyyyyy!
Welcome Tea
Preparation Days:
So many hours spent doing logistics and I'm really happy it's all worth it!!!!!
First day of teaparty prep with Jo, Faz and Ahgongseow. After which met up with Janice for Sakae sushi buffet! Me and Jan played under the rain! LOVE PLAYING UNDER THE RAIN WOOHOO.

Went back RP for Jam&Hop with Danielle, Janice and Jinghui. Was talking on the phone with Faz when Jinghui snapped the pictures. HAHA

Town with Dan.
Have been going town pretty often with Danielle. HAHA

That one day when we're required to wear sports attire to school.....
Arun sent me this and zheng was like, "HEY LET'S SELFIE BACK." HAHAHAHAH
Guess who came to find me!
Sent Kaka Tonni homed on Sunday. )': WILL MISS YOU

After that, later that day, Mother's Day at Ponggol Seafood!
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