First week of school finally done and over with!!
School has been pretty good to me this week, I mean hey at least I survived it right??
There's nothing much I can talk about school because it's just a normal daily routine of, dreading waking up at 6.45am, long bus journey, study, eat, friends, meeting, work, and blah blah blah. WHAT'S NeW? HAHA!
Some pictures that was taken on Tuesday. Yay to neighbours with Jo, Wani, Hanyi! Nay to Micro. Booooo.
Jolene wanted to take pictures with Wani because they were wearing same socks. HAHAHAHA #GIRLS.

Meeting after school, and June + July birthday celebration!
Thank you for the present, qi!! xoxo
Love the lighting la suiii!
Stayed over at Ahma's place on Monday!!
I shall end off this post here, with selfies with le couzzieeee, muacks.
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