Today is the release of O'levels results and it definitely brings back so many memories from last year.
We were still having so much fun at km's place, watching Taken while eating chips, chasing one another with nerf guns, had so much fun till we didn't realised that we were late so we had to cabbed down to school. And because of our hair, our attire and all, we called Cole's daddy who we thought could smuggle us in via his car, but were proved wrong when Mr Chia made all of us alighted and did attire check on us. DAMMIT. And then when the results were released...... I tried to contain my tears, but I failed to. Friends came up to me, hugged me, comforted me, encouraged me.
That night, I couldn't sleep because I had no idea what I should do with the next stage of my life. A part of me was happy that I was eligible for Poly, but another part of me wasn't satisfied with my results. But look at where I am right now.
I honestly didn't expect myself to enjoy life in Republic Poly, since ALL of my close friends are going TP. At first, I was posted to RP Business Information System, but I couldn't see myself enjoying this course at all because I had ZERO interest in it. So I decided to try JPSAE to appeal for another course instead. So using my leadership skills, I JPSAE to RP Hotel and Hospitality Management and one fine day, I got a letter telling me to go down for an interview. And I went! It was a mass School of Hospitality interview and the ending result was.....
My appeal was a success!
Though it wasn't to the course that I want, but at least I can see myself doing a hospitality job in the future.
During Orientation Camp, I honestly did not have that much fun. I felt out of place, awkward, lonely and all. I couldn't blend in no matter how hard I tried. I so badly was scolding myself for not studying harder, scoring better to be able to get into TP instead, where all my friends are at. I totally wasn't looking forward to first day of school because I could already imagine my lonely life in RP for the next 3 years. But I was proved wrong.
No words can express how blessed I am to have such lovely classmates, best part is probably an all girls class. And definitely, being in an all girls class, we will definitely have arguments, bitching and all. I mean come on, we're girls for a reason. HAHA. And standard girls' rule, either we clique well, or we don't. Then after semester 1 ended, I went for camps and my social circle expanded! I got to know more people from different other courses, and it's amazing how we still keep in touch and some are even my close friends now. I can really say this right now,
I am enjoying life in Republic Polytechnic.
I actually preferred RP's education method than the other polys and also feel that it'll be good use in the future, and really the friendships that I've established in RP are really priceless, and I definitely still want to expand it wider and bigger.
I know like how people would be like, "Huh, RP?! The worst polytechnic in Singapore. I don't want to go." But really, there are no such thing as the best polytechnic or the worst polytechnic. It's freaking Poly and not Secondary School! Everybody takes different courses, tell me how do you determine the ranking criteria then? I'm sure different polys, different courses have different standards. And who says poly determines your future life? No it doesn't. If it does, you would have already be deemed the stupidest kid on earth. (I'M JUST KIDDING BTW HAHA) So really, the school that you attend DOES NOT determine what your life would be like in the future. I do hear many stories of RP graduates being offered to extend their internship because the company love and enjoy their skills, attitude etc.
So don't be afraid to come to Republic Poly!
The people here are really nice and friendly!
Plus there are lots of handsome, cute guys and pretty, cute girls around too!!!! ^^ HAHA

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