A brand new year, a brand new start.
By saying a brand new start, I definitely do not mean by throwing away all the friendships and forgetting all the memories, but by learning from all the mistakes that I've learnt in 2013 and forget all the bad memories, forgive people who have upset me and start all over again. Basically, it's like giving everybody a second chance. But now if I were to think about it seriously, is it really a good thing? Because I'm sure I'll be doing this all over again next year, next next year, next next next year and for the rest of my life, and it means that I'll be giving people more chances to come back into my life and create chaos isn't it? But then again, what if they made use of the second chance and we became as close as we used to be, or in fact better than we used to be? I guess I probably need to think about this more deeply and more maturely.
So today is the 4th day of 2014 and I really am enjoying myself, other than the fact that I'm down with runny nose + sore throat + cough since the very first day of 2014. Actually it wasn't that bad at first, it was just runny nose, then 2nd day was at first runny nose, then cough. To be honest, my cough and sore throat became worse because of Karaoke Party. It's basically a karaoke site, but they'll rate you. So last night, with slight sore throat and cough I spent like hours playing it, singing/screaming my lungs out. HAHA! It's really fun and addictive! You can try it out on karaokeparty.com and I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
School has been good so far, but I'm really disappointed with my UT 1 results and I realised that I've been too relax, too distracted and totally not putting my best in paying attention in class, doing revisions and studying for exams. This is like a sudden wake up call for me, I don't want to end up regretting all this stupid actions that I'm displaying right now only when UT 3 results are out. So in order to start doing better, my very first step is to be on time for classes and I've got to say I'm doing a great job so far. (Well, but it has only been 2 days of school.... HAHA) But I'm still being distracted in class. Haiz, I hope I can start to discipline myself better. YES I CAN DO IT.
2 days of school and I've already met most of the important poly friends in school yay! School can be fun only with them around, otherwise it's just plain boring and sleepy.
I'm turning 18 this year, like finally. But I don't think I'll still be saying the 'like finally' anymore after 5 years. haha! Well, this also means that I should really start acting my age, and start to be more mature. I think I'm slowly starting to be more mature, or actually I am mature, it's just the way how I act around with certain people. Actually I realised that if I'm mature with you, it means I'm not completely comfortable with you, but if I'm freaking childish, I am absolutely comfortable with you and can trust you with my life. So now you know, who are the people I really trust. HAHA.
I'm trying to update my blog at least once every 2 days because of the busy upcoming schedules ahead this month - UT 2, Open House, Work, Dajie's birthday, Chinese New Year. BUT I'LL STILL TRY MY BEST.
Ending off my post with a tiny winy message to everybody,
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