It was really really a damn fun camp, I guess other than the activities, it's also because I've made many friends from the other 2 camps, that's why.
I'm kind of lazy to really say the whole process of the camp. So it'll be like a summarized version. :b
The day before Jive Camp, I worked overnight so I went to work with camp bag and I really look like some runaway-from-home kid. HAHAHAH, and the peeps from CO were like, "ARE YOU GOING TO SLEEP HERE?!" when they saw me with that big fat ass bag and sleeping bag. WHUT.
Damn tired. Went Jo's house, bathed, then had lunch (Jo cooked for me. SO SWEET), and rest while Jo baked. After that, we met Arun, Faz and Megan at the bus stop before going in together. And I swear it was so damn awkward because me and jo were the only 2 campers wearing our secondary school uniforms. OHHHH.
Ice breaker and games.
Throughout the night, Megan was sharing her experiences with us, actually she shared it twice because we merged group with team 5 later that night/earlier that morning. And yeah it was a pretty good night.
I was suprised that I survived till like 5am. But my eye bags and panda eyes...... ):
Next day, the games were fun! And our team won 3rd yay! Had dessert at Swenses with Arun and Jo before going to Ahma's house for dinner.
KOed that night. SUPER TIRED and didn't go to work the next day (Saturday).
And I've so many pictures to share omg!

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