For me, I'm actually planning to tan my back, hopefully the scar will be less visible after the tan. Whereas bff wanna tan her stomach area as her thigh and stomach area is really like 2 skin tones difference? IT IS DAMN CREEPY.
As the sea breeze hit us, we sat there and talk about everything, our future, Mr Right, society, childhood, family. It honestly was a great htht. I really hope we get to do this more often in the future.....
At around 6.30pm, we walked back to Vivo instead of talking the monorail as the queue was really long. On the way, while walking on the road, we saw this small girl in front of us, I think she's like 2 to 3? She was walking alone on the road. Yes, road. So basically, in Sentosa, the road is like shared among humans and vehicles. And the small girl was walking ALONE on the road. Yes, her mum called for her but did not run after her or what and the girl of course didn't care and continue walking further. Both me and pris couldn't bring our eyes off her as I think we both have the same thought at that time, "What if a vehicle suddenly come?" And indeed, suddenly a van was driving towards us/the girl. Both of us at the same time ran towards her and attempted to bring her to the side of the road. I hold onto her hand while Pris wanted to carry her, but she cried. OMG. I got a shock sia. Pris also. HAHAHA. We managed to make her move a few steps to the side, so the van can go on. And you know what?! Her mum can still walk calmly towards us laughing. I really have no idea what's on her mind leh. Her girl almost got knocked down by a van, her girl is being held by 2 strangers, her girl is crying, AND SHE STILL CAN WALK CALMY. Really just WOW. I think they are Japanese or Koreans. But still, WOW. I'm impressed.
Met Cole at Vivo. We wanted to go Cine for Eighteen Chefs but at the bus stop (Opposite Vivo), we decided to change to Bedok 85, or actually we couldn't make up our minds. So we said if 65 come first, we'll go Cine, if 30 come first, we'll go Bedok 85. End up, 65 came first. So we board the bus, and on the way, we were like contemplating Eighteen Chefs or Bedok 85, and Bedok 85 wins la. So we called Berwyn, Justin and Xueting and asked them if they wanna join us. And in the end, only Justin can. Then on the bus, we saw 14 in front of us (the bus) and I was like, "Eh, 14 can go Bedok 85 leh!" Then they were like, "SO?!" And I replied, "CHANGE BUS LA." So we went down the bus and after like 2 bus stops, bus 14 stopped too infront of us, but there were like 2 other buses infront of us so our bus couldn't open the door and Cole went up to the driver and said, "Er uncle, 可以开门吗?我们要追那个bus." (Er uncle, can open the door? we want to board that bus.) and the uncle said, "不可以,下一站" (Cannot, next stop) And we were like whattttttt. And bus 14 drove away. Noooooooo. But we alighted at the next stop and waited for like 2 minutes for the next bus 14 and board it! Then after like 30 minutes, we were like should we change our eating venue? Since Cole has to be home by 11. And this time, we were contemplating if we should have Katong Laksa or not. And we alighted opposite Roxy Square and walked around before stopping at Astons. But the price was more pricey than the usual one. Then Cole suggested, "How about we cab to Bedok 85 now?" And just now an empty cab stopped behind of us, so we went into it. And we called Justin again. HAHAHAH. Then suddenly Pris said, "Eh, then may as well we go back shs there eat Astons right?!" So we changed plans and called Justin again. Hahahahaah!
We damn mafan sia.
Eighteen Chefs > Bedok 85 > Katong Laksa > Astons > Bedok 85 > Astons

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