Finally, June holidays have ended, which also represent the start of serious studying.
First day of school SUCK, seriously. First lesson, SS (1 hour), got scolded by Mrs Tan for not going for her holiday class. Well, but the next half period she was better :) Then Elective History (1.5 hour), Ms Tan came to asked me why I did so badly for Prelim 1. Kinda explained it to her and I think she will be like watching my grades and giving extra lessons after school. Oh man. Then while copying, she came up to me again and told me that I'm writing too slowly. Tsk. Fine, I can write at a faster speed but don't blame me for my horrible handwriting. While teaching, Matthew suddenly came forward to throw some rubbish and Ms Tan's reaction was awesome! She was like asking us to imagine a student suddenly walk out of the class to the toilet while she is teaching, or suddenly stand up and do some stretching while she is teaching. She kept laughing to herself and just kept saying, "I'm sorry, I just cannot process this." LOL. Sometimes, I don't know why people think she is evil. I think she is quite nice and funny :)
Recess was great! I mean who don't like recess? :) Had... Omelette Rice :) GREAT FOOD. Next lesson, Chinese (1 hour), suckyish lesson of the day. Ms Ho wasn't in school so Mrs Sui took over her lesson. I thought she will give us free time or what. But ended up, she made those without any chinese materials go out of class to write an essay on WHY IS CHINESE IMPORTANT in Chinese. Obviously, I got send out. Along with Shermaine, Nicole and Clarence. LOL, all 4F-ers :P But seriously, all we are left with is Oral and LC, what she expect us to bring sia? Cracked my brains, used up all my brain cells to complete the freaking essay. Get back into class and she made me remove my studs. HAIZ. Then we did some conversations with friends. Seriously, bad luck :( Art (1 hour), oh yes, did I mentioned that I officially dropped Art? Yes, I received the approval letter in the morning :) So I had an hour of free period. Went to 3H with Amelia. She slept while I did my humanities homework and text Nicole :P
Then lunch! Went to have a drink with the lovely girls :) Maths (2 hours), guess, did I managed to survive 2 hours of Maths? I DID. LIKE REAL. hahahaha! I survived the first hour, but started falling asleep for the last hour. It was really tiring. Need something to keep me awake! School ended at 3.45pm. Suck right? Started talking to Pris about Chickens and by the time we got home, we forgot that we have an icecream date with Nicole and Xut :P
Changed clothes and went to T1 to return dvd, meet dajie, send letter and buy grapefruits for Mummy. Went to T1 basement to get the really big fried chicken chop. IT IS REALLY REALLY HUGE! And spicy. Went to get double chocolate frappe before we went to find Xizheng who just ended training. First time we went home together :)
So, this marks my first day of school. Pretty much unlucky?

Today, was better :) First lesson, SS (1.5 hour), once again, Mrs Tan flared up at us again. Because almost the whole class didn't bring TYS, Prelim 1 Corrections, homework or parents letter. So she ignored us for an hour before she started talking to us again :) yay! Then English (1 hour), Mrs Chan oh Mrs Chan, pregnant again! Hopefully it's a baby boy this time round :) So she gave us a set of paper to do, which apparently nobody did. We were all like just slacking, chit chatiing. heh, Clarence was being such a joker. Me and Jarrett were like against him? hahaha! I just love playing mini games in class, like to test their speed? FUN :) Pris, naughty girl, kept talking about food during English, making me really really hungry! Finally, it was Recess time! With Pris, Nic, Xut, Sher, Vin and KM. YAY! Had Kway Chap today :) As usual, all the craps came up. Jokers. Pris make 2 handprints on KM's uniform, which caused the boys to chase after her with ice cubes. Me and xut helped her and got ourselves into troubles XD But it was fun! Luckily Mr Lin was around, otherwise, Pris would have been wet! You should have seen the guys' faces when Mr Lin appeared. Seriously LOL! By the time we ran up to our class, we were all dying of tiredness. hehe!
Then 2 hours of Maths. Mrs Wong came to relieve! Yayyyy! Miss her so much! :D But I died like after an hour again. Really, cannot stay awake sia. Plus, my stupid runny nose make me really lifeless. It really hurts. Luckily, end class at 1.15pm :) Went to drink bbt with clique. On the way, Navinn kept pouring water at Pris and Xut. hahaha I love spending time with them :)
Bought KFC for Dajie before coming home :) Luckily, now nose not so pain le. But tomorrow confirm will hurt one :(

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