Hello to all the awesome people out there :)
How's your day? I hope you're doing fine :)
For me, this week seem to pass by really quick, I don't know why.
So yesterday, went to school as per usual and had Chemistry from 8 to 10. Met up with Pris, Nic and XT at main gate before going in. So lessons were okay, I would say. I was pretty hungry throughout lessons but I managed to survive with Berwyn's icing biscuits and Justin's lucky charms :) After lessons, we waited for everyone to pay their Chem TYS first, so we were like the last few. It was fun! We were like having fun playing with the microphone, white board... And that Justin hor, always say me one lor :( What happened? hahaha Justin was standing behind the whiteboard, and all we could see was his legs. So I lifted up his pants and Pris used the marker and draw on his leg. Then the first thing he do is stare at me. hahaha but Mdm Rizah managed to distract him and we quickly hide the marker :P Then we chit chat with Mdm Rizah for a while before leaving for lunch .
We went to submit our drop subject form first, then went TM to eat :) We wanted to go Sun Plaza Park play one., but we ended up spending too much time at the kopitiam, so we didn't go. But it was fun spending time with them, Pris, Nic, XT, Sher, Jus and Lynette :) We were like jumping from topics to topics! First, we were talking about being a female or male is better. So we were like debating? hahaha, well my opinion was being a female is better because we didn't have to go through 2 years of National Service and we wouldn't be the main breadwinner. Then Xue Ting's opinion was being male is better because female have to carry a big tummy for 10 months. I find it okay, because that is why most of us are closer to our mother. And don't you feel so warm when you see pregnant woman? It's like a mother protecting her baby and it's just so cosy :) Justin was like "Later the kids run around and pee around." Joke right? Not like we used to run around at home without diapers. hahaha! Lynette said this, "But guys can just have sex with a female and if the female gets pregnant, he can just get away with it like nobody's business. But the female would have to go through everything alone." It's true actually. If people were to see a pregnant teenager girl walking on the street, they will confirm think of her as slut, despo.... etc. Who would actually think that maybe she got rape but didn't want to abort the baby because it's a life she is having. You see people are just so judgmental. I know I am too, so I have no say in it.
After that, we started talking about French Kissing. I shouldn't say much about it because it's gonna be pretty weird. XD
After that, we went Cotton On for a while because Xueting wanna check out some clothes. We walked back school but halfway, Pris, Xueting, Nic and Lynette decide to take the bus back. Me and Justin ran a certain distance before walking back school. Shermaine didn't want to run so she walked on her own. Felt bad :( Indeed, me and Justin arrived back in school first. I was really tired and sweaty :( Soon, Shermaine came then the girls. Slow pokes! hehe!
Next up is English! Whoa, it was really boring. No joke! We couldn't concentrate at all! So we were all like doing our own things :P Nic was having a lot of fun in my jacket, hahah power ranger she claims :) After that, had Physics! Another boring lesson.
Met up with Nic, Sher and Pris at the ISH. After that, me and Shermaine accompanied Xueting to The Face Shop. Walked home after that. I feel so proud of myself! :)
Today, had Physics lessons from 10 to 12. Went for lunch with Pris, Nic and Xueting after that at Mac. We changed Xueting's password! It was epic. Nothing much. We had English Oral. It was okay, better than prelim 1 :) Later the day, after watching the matches, the 4 of us slacked in the canteen. Xiya they all were playing Running Man! Cool :) We skipped SS class :P Berwyn and Justin came down and we started having a lot of fun time! Running, chasing, rulers, umbrella. LOL, just epic! :)
Walked to TM to find dajie after that :) hehehe, I'm starting to you know, walk more from a place to the other. Proud of myself :)
I really love my friends a lot!
Friends like Priscilla, Nicole, Navinn, Xueting, Justin, Shermaine, Berwyn...... They are hard to find :)
Also, I wanna thank Navinn, for always being there for me. Literally, always. Whenever I'm feeling down, he will be there for me. He knows that when I say I'm okay, I'm actually not okay. He knows how I feel after every heart crushed I suffered because of xxx. Yes I would be really sad, angry, emotional and all, but his words will cheer me up and I will be back to myself. The cheerful me :)
Recently, xxx made me upset and when Navinn know about it, he wanted to confront him. But I didn't want him to. I know it wouldn't bring any of us any way good, and I don't want any of them to get hurt, so I told him not to worry about me. I'm fine. It's just another heart crushed problem, and I'll be fine after a sleep. It's like a cycle and I'm used to it. I know I'll be fine after a while.
I just can't wait to move on to another level of my live. New environment, new friends, new challenges. But I know, I would never abandon all my awesome friends that I have now.. I still wanna be in contact with them 50 years down the road :)

Aww (: Thanks Xi Jia <3