A guy own a garden, it was a gorgeous garden with all kinds
of greens growing beautifully. The garden was near to perfect, the only thing
missing from the garden was colors – Flowers.
After years, after many failed attempts of growing flowers, one
day, a rose grew out. The guy was so happy that he showered the rose with
love and care. The rose was too very happy to receive such good treatment.
Every single day, through sun and rain, the guy without fail
will be there for the rose. At some point in time, she was all that he
However, one sunny day, a neighbor came along and said to
the guy, “Hey, I’ve bought some sunflowers and had some leftovers. Would you like
one?” And without any hesitation, the guy gladly accepted a sunflower. The guy started planting the sunflower into a pot, and slowly he
paid more attention to the sunflower.

Feeling insecure, the rose decided to ask the guy, “Would
you ever get sick of me?” The guy laughed and replied, “Oh silly, how would I
ever get sick of something so beautiful?” The rose was satisfied with the answer and trusted that
he meant what said.
But trusting him was probably one of the biggest mistakes
the rose could ever make.
Slowly, the guy stopped showering love and care for the
rose and eventually he had all his attention on the sunflower instead. And the
rose, deprived of love and care, eventually died.

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