I'm quite surprised that I actually could wake up on time today. In fact I woke up early. Actually not really... Anyways, yes I met Cole for breakfast at Mac. Pris was supposed to meet us too but she fell sick and hence didn't join us. I was telling Cole that I dressed up already so that after I meet her, I go home, nua then can just leave house to meet them without changing again. HAHA. This is how lazy I am. I really love my ootd today - Tribal tanktop and brown highwaist. (Maybe I'll post a picture later?)
The plan later is to meet Pris, Cole and Xting at TP's bridge at 12. Then we'll go Bugis Street to get Xting's her outfit she'll need for her course. At first I was quite sian about going out today because... I just had no mood to go out lor. But thanks to that Cole, who made me guilty by saying that I'll be starting school on Friday, next time want meet also very hard to le, and if I really don't want go then never mind lor. Wah, indeed she smart, made use of my weakness.
Don't know why my left shoulder is aching really badly. Feeling so uncomfortable :/ And I'm loving 22 by Taylor Swift. Thanks to Cole. It was her ringtone and whenever somebody calls her, we'll start doing the mini dance.
Okay gotta go now! Will blog again later if I have the time otherwise tomorrow! Muacks!
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