Yang's dog went missing on 1 Feb, Friday, 9am. So if anybody see this dog, please call Eunice Tan @ 96565499. Or call me immediately okay! Thanks ^^
Went back SHSS to visit after that. Once we reached school, the first thing we did was to clean ourselves with water cause we were both so sweaty and sticky yucks. After which we slacked in the canteen for awhile, eat some snacks and drink up. Qi, Calvin and JX came and talk with us for awhile before going back to work. After that we went to the bookshop area where the Sec 1 juniors are playing games at. We just sat at the study area and look at them and play handphone game and talk. They were playing some games and the loser team have to get their face painted with the army face paint. It was really funny to see them with painted face! Especially some of the boys who had mustache painted on their chins or between their nose and lips. LOL. During one of the water break, Rayyan Sir came towards us and started to attack Pris. I sat beside her and just laughed at her suffering. But then Rayyan Sir suddenly attacked me!! Immediately ran to the toilet and wash off the paint. It was pretty hard to wash it away. After Rayyan Sir's attack, the Sec 4 started to plan to attack us too. Only when Rayyan Sir said, "Help me catch those 2.", they started chasing after us and we rannnnnnnnn. Then I realised I still cannot really run yet so I stoppped running. And I got surrounded. They used hula hops to bring me to Rayyan Sir but on the way, the hula hop broke so I ran off. Teehee. After that I called Pris, who is stuck in the toilet because Tassri was guarding outside. But after that Tassri came to look for me and Hazmie took over Tassri outside the toilet so we plan, Pris will get some face paint from Rayyan Sir and come to find me later.
Indeed, Tassri kena from Pris haha! After that, it was so chaotic! Once we stepped into the field, everyone started running towards us. End up I kena back-stabbed by Pris ._. She just rubbed it on my cheeks! I was like, "OMG PRISCILLA TAY!!!!" It was really fun! End up everyone had paint on their face, including Rayyan Sir and Pris. hahahah! After that while waiting for Pris, the Sec 1 juniors walked past me and I decided to bully them a little hee, so I just, TADAH MORE FACE PAINT ON YOUR FACE! The sec 1 juniors are so awesomely cute and friendly! After that surprise attack from me, whenever they saw me they started screaming and ran off hahahaha! Our last finally attack was on our dear ex-Vice Chairman, my awesome bud, YI QI. hahahahahaha, he's damn funny sia. After that the washing was really a headache. We had to wash so many times to get rid of the paint. Poor pris, some paint landed on her singlet and she had a hard time washing it away. It was really funny to see her half-washed face because she looked like as though she just came out from war. LOL.
But still thanks to Mavis who lent us her facewash. I love my juniors sia. Awesome people. After washing up, we went to canteen and clean our blisters as well as to put on plasters. Hurts like a bitch. Dinner with Pris, Qi, Ho, JX and Jason at Ajisen. Then ToyRUs after dinner. Me and pris were like hugging a big soft toy bear and it really makes us feel warmer (:
Bought Each-A-Cup and walked home with pris. After that, I went to find Xiya at MBS (Mac Beside School). Played cards with Ya, Ryan and Junhao till 10.30pm before going home. Had a hard time waking up the next day. Went to babysit Beth and Jad. So much fun we had. Taught Beth her homework first then we played together. Jad that qt, such a darling. Anyways, fun day!!

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