The old oven broke down and hence we got a new oven! One that can bake yay! In the midst of baking with dajie now. Currently waiting to test whether it's a success or fail. heh. Christmas is tomorrow!! Yay can't wait. I miss swc. Last year was the year we spent almost everyday together. We celebrated valentines, birthdays, Halloween, Christmas... All the memories. I miss Pris, I miss Qi, I miss Yang, I miss Wes. Don't know when is the next time we're gonna meet up as swc again.
As Christmas is approaching, 2012 is also ending, which also means O'level release of results are approaching us soon too! OH DEAR. Damn scared, nervous and all. My christmas wish... haha secret :b I miss my friends. I miss school. I miss having to wake up for school. I miss meeting the clique for breakfast on Wednesdays. I miss laughing at Priscilla as she runs toward us before the 2nd bell rings. I miss gossiping with the ladies during assembly. I miss us being late on purpose. I miss all the nonsense we do during Amaths lesson. I miss secretly texting in class and one of us just have to scare the other. I miss going toilet every now and then with the girls. I miss those water fights we have. I miss us being punished by Mr Liu whenever we're late for his class. I miss Mr Bakar's jokes during chem. I miss talking nonsense to derek, pear, rico during physics. I miss how pear will imitate Mrs Ong during Physics. I miss us being really guai during History. I miss how Vin will disturb me or me disturbing him. AH I MISS SCHOOL. I MISS MY FRIENDS. I MISS MY TEACHERS. But good things come to an end. :')
I miss NPCC too. I miss my batch mates. I miss my officers and CIs. I miss my seniors. I miss my juniors. I miss my area mates. I miss my oev mates. I hate how I will randomly have emotional feelings. To turn the mood up, SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN~

hahahaha I'm Evergreen Toe-Bells ^^
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