(Realised that I'm always on the right and she's always on the left. Thus we decided to change sides!)
Woke up at 6 in the morning and bought breakie with the bff at mac before going school to check out the Sec 2s CLC. Man, how times fly. It just felt like as though I just ended CLC, which was 2 years ago. It was a pretty mentally emotional day for me.
As I stepped into class, I saw a really happy Mr Liu. Honestly, he is really a good teacher and he is trying his best to conduct lessons in the interesting way so that we can learn better but most of the time, we didn't bother to actually put in the effort to pay attention or try our best. Mr Liu, I'm sorry for disappointing you time and time over again. You are really a good form teacher, and I know you always tried your best to make sure we learn something from each Amaths lesson. I will never forget all the memories we had, especially the day when we had extra Amaths lessons and we all started talking about what you wanna be after teacherhood. Honestly, the Maths Cafe is a cool idea and it may work out! Don't give up on that idea okay? :) And when you're getting married, don't forget to invite us hor!! ^^
I really appreciated the card and pen Mr Liu and Mdm Riza gave us :')
Thank you so much for everything. 4F'12 is not an easy class to manage, but you guys are great and we will always love you!
Graduation Ceremony was boring at first but after all the speeches and awards, it was much better. The teachers were great, sang us a song. Though we didn't know the song, but I felt really happy like how the whole cohort stood up and put our hands in the air and sway to the music. The scene was so loving and great. And how all of sang the school song with pride, people were literally shouting the school song. The ending song made me felt like crying. Auld Lang Syne. How all of us put our arms on one another's shoulder and sway along to the music. I felt so loved and the music had this sad melody, made me felt like crying really. Ended the ceremony with all of us singing birthday song to Mr Chia, our beloved discipline master. He whom never fails to catch my skirt, my socks, my earrings. Although yes I do dislike him for catching my attire, he is really a caring teacher whom is always monitoring my studies, my health. Thank you so much and Happy Birthday Mr Chia! :')
Photo taking and letting people signing on my uniform was good. The moment when I saw and felt all the friendships I've built in St. Hilda's Secondary School.
Navinn, I know you're reading this :) Though we only became really close friends last year, I felt like I knew you ever since forever. You are the one who will always be there for me and care for me like nobody else. You are the one whom I go to when I'm down, when I'm scared, when I need someone there and you never fails to be there for me. Thank you for all the memories that we had together. I know I am going to miss you, so we must meet up often okay! I love you.
This annoying boy, yes he is, but he is also a really nice and caring guy. I enjoy walking home with him, even though he walk super fast, he will slow down for me :') His nonsense talks never fails to make me laugh. Always smiley. Bird, I'm gonna miss you too okay! :)

See that guy with the weird posture? hahaha Clarence! This guy, whom sits beside of me every single day, and classmates ever since Sec 1, yes he is damn annoying, always getting me addicted to weird music like the Save My World, teaching me weird games. But he is damn funny. I love watching him dance SNSD moves, it's damn gay but funny too XD And I always bully him one hehe. Sorry la, but you're really a great friend :)

Stupid tall ass. hahaha Justin! Thank you for everything. Another friend whom is always there for me. He is like a big bro to me, always ready to help me. Thanks a lot!
Nathan, my first guy best friend in SHSS. We both USED to be fat and it's really fun talking to him. I'll never forget how he used to tease me and always love to touch his hair one. haha miss those days. Especially when we went over to Patrick's house and made a big mess and I jumped on him. hahaha those days...
Pretty girls. The Siti-s, they brought lots of joy in my life, especially during npcc. Loving this girls more and more :)
Bryan, just knew him this year but we actually went to work together once haha cool right? Because of him, I earned my first pay! A friend that I don't wanna lose :)
Yiling, she's really pretty isn't it? And friendly too. Hope this friendship don't die :)
Diyana! :)
Ma'am Gwen! Love her lots!

After graduation, went Airport with the girls.
This is what happened when you forgot to zoom out. ^
Once a Hildan, Always a Hildan.
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