Went back school yesterday to submit prom form with Pris Xting Cole and Kmeng. It started raining when I got there. After Pris and Cole settled the prom forms, and back with umbrellas that Isaac lent us, we went for lunch. Me and Xting walked under the rain because, oh please we love fun :) Went foodcourt when Pris settled her craving for popiah and Xting had chicken rice. After that, we walked to Isaac house to return him the umbrellas. Saw his dogs, Buster and baby. I wished I could overcome my fear of animals. I so badly want to stay still and let the dogs sniff me, lick me, but upon seeing the dogs approaching me, my legs just moved. It really sucks to love animals but fear of them. Why me? :( Went Eastpoint Starbucks to study with Shermaine. Productive day :) Had Old Chang Kee for lunch because I'm broke :'( Dinner at White Sands.
Studied at Mac with Pris KenMa and Nathan. Dinner at Ang Kheong. Then it started raining... Went KFC and study. Then somehow we talked about bell curve and Nathan was like what's that. So we all gang up and cheat him. Told him that it was some graph and KenMa was like telling him some weird equation and the graph will look like the yellow ribbon thing and HE BELIEVED! haha Nathan is so gullible! ^^ Then I suggested to go tour at mbs, Pris and Ken gave me the look because we all know the meaning of it, other than that gullible pig. So we walk over to mac but couldn't go over because it was not sheltered and that pig doesn't want to run because he scared he fall, bag wet. Alamak sia he so yeah told him that mbs = Mac Beside School. So we end up walking around and end up at Big Bookshop. Somehow we end up staring at Nathan who was looking at some cookery book ._. Played hide&seek with him. But he la, take so long time. So yeah damn fail. Nathan walked me home. It have been quite some time since we had such a long talk. How did time pass so fast... :'(