Once again, it's Monday.
Next Monday, Chinese O'levels. Honestly, it would be a lie if I say I'm confident to get A1. Feeling a little stress, not knowing what and how to study for Chinese. Ahhhh, I think I will cry if I did not get A for Chinese, so I must work hard for it! No pain, no gain. JIAYOU.
As usual, Chinese all the way! Apparently, Pris became sot after an hour in the Auditorium. Define sot, laughing at everything, saying really lame jokes. Somehow, it seems to be describing me. Oh whatever~ heh! I really love Nicole! Our game of 'If you say huh, you are a pig.'. Obviously Nicole is more pig then me (: Every 1 second say at least 2 huhs.
So she started telling me that vin started planning a chalet for us after O'levels and she got me so excited for it! Night cycling, pillow fights, drink, movie marathons, and many more! With them, nothing is boring (:
Council commendation rehearsal was... boring and tiring.
The weather is really WARM. Hate it badly. Once again, I'm sitting beside Marianne again (: 2 years! First, graduated from NPCC, now Council, next SHSS. ohmygoodness why so fast?! Haiz, better appreciate every single moment left in SHSS (:
Sports Carnival tomorrow!
I'm really excited for it! May be subbing for idkwho for Water Soccer. So Water Soccer + Bossa Ball + Council Commendation = ZOMBIE.
hahaha kidding! I'll survive through all! yay k shall blog about it tomorrow!
byebye! (:

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