So Year 2 Semester 1 is finally over. YES, LIKE FINALLY. Actually, it seems like time is passing really quickly that sometimes when I stop and think back, I have no idea what actually happened...... I do want to slow down my steps and enjoy along the way, but in this society..... No way it is happening.
I was thinking how should I update on my life and the only way I can think of is via pictures, and my schedule book. HAHA, okay sorry I'm not a creative person. So, here it goes???????
5 Aug: Interview for the fellow Group Leaders that signed up for Fuze Party after school.
Hacked into Faz's laptop hehe opps.
During preparation, of course welfies la hahahahah. #typical #sorrynotsorry
Selfies with Faz because good lighting. HAHA
Haha fruit plus orange stained my tongue boooo
Oh I really love the lighting in that classroom. (I MISS MY HAIR)
After interview, don't know why Faz was super in love with bananas that period of time that he bought a bunch of bananas to school, and shared it with us aww...
While waiting for burden Asmyth and Nick after that...

6 Aug: Another day of interview........
Same bus as xiaobitch hahahahhaa!
That place is damn chio please. Like I'm super amazed like how on earth can people do all these super tiny building models?!!!!!

After that went for Kbbq with Jolene, Joanna, Wenli, Kellyn and Celeste!
10 Aug: Istana Event - National Day dinner hosted by President Tony Tan at the Istana.
Was supposed to meet my East siders at 9.30am, end up I was late whoops~~~ By 5 minutes. :b
Met the other siders (HAHA) at Promenade MRT station, end up we were the first to reach. YAY. Then we made our way to Conrad, and then the super long process of registering, changing into the uniform and then lunch.
The lunch wasn't really that good hmm...
Group photos with the service Fuzers (excluding the chefs Fuzers because their reporting time was later than ours.)
On our way down to Istana from Conrad. (My 2nd time at Istana hehe, because I volunteered last year too)
Sent this photo to King Gan with the message, "You got green card, we got pink card" End up the rope got handed over to us. HAHAHA
The event was hmm okay??? My IC was some Korean guy *melts at his accent*, and he gave me the role of the Ice Cream person because the person that was assigned to do this didn't turn up. So I only had to start at approximately 8.45pm??? So from 7.30 to 8.45, I literally just stood there and did NOTHING. Yup, nothing. Then 8.45, the IC brought me to meet the other Ice Cream people and then he realised they were all guys, so he brought me back and changed another guy. HAHAHA WTF YOU KIDDING ME BRO. So after that I had to serve drinks, and ohmygod, it was so so so heavy. Okay, actually it wasn't that heavy, it's just that after walking around with 4 glasses on your plate for like 15 minutes, your wrist just starts to hurt. Thank god Nick switched roles with me! So I ended up at the Clearing Team! It's so much easier because as long as I think my plate is heavy I can go to the back and clear it already. It was quite fun because end up, I think I was in Team D, and Janice, Danielle, Jasmine, Jungwei, Faz etc were in Team B and we were like side by side, so we kept crossing over to one another's territory. That annoying Jungwei used his hand and wiped on mine and Jasmine's foreheads. *punch punch punch* And of course we revenged and end up somewhat playing catching while working hahahaha! At the ending part, we got to try some of the food. Ivan helped us to get some bandung and wow, it was damn good. PURE GOODNESS. Got one part, when me and Jungwei we went to get sushi from Vynx and then we decided to get some for Ivan since he helped us to get a lot of food. But end up we somewhat got caught by a chef but we pretended we didn't hear him and ran off. HAHA! And we thought we could avoid him, but we soon bumped into him after that. HAHAHAHAH LOL but nothing happened to us.
Ended the event with a group photo!
We were all damn happy to be on the bus back to Conrad. Like really damn happy. It was super tiring at the end of the day......
My nametag for that event.
After we all did the signing out and waited for everyone to left, then we left the hotel. Just as we were complaining about missing the last train, Joel was like, "Sian how to go home ah?" and I just randomly replied, "Here got 518 or not ah?" Then he responded ah, "Yeah, but I not sure where leh." then suddenly he shouted, "FUCK 518!!!!!" and then he dashed across the road screaming. I was super shocked but I ran also. It was damn funny how we just screamed and ran across the road just for that 518. On the way back, Joanne whatsapped me telling me how she was so shocked that we both just ran across the road like that, like in a blink of an eye. HAHA! Honestly while running across the road, I was imaging like what if a car speed past and knock me down? HAHA JUST A RANDOM THOUGHT.
14 Aug: Had a dry run session of games with the committee after school. After the dry run, while walking out of school we got stopped by The Band of Doodles, and we stopped and doodled on the board.
While the more artist people are doodling, me and Danielle were just snapping pictures away since there's nothing we can do.....
Committee and The Band of Doodles and some other people who were doing doodling as well.
(Candid photo from Jolene haha!)
My last day wearing formal for my whole Year 2 life. Hello to Spa Uniform next sem........15 Aug: Last Management Accounting lesson.
Management Accounting is no doubt my favourite module of Year 2 Sem 1, all thanks to laoshu. She's one of the best faci one can ever ask for. <3 <3 <3 <3
After school, me and Jolene went to meet Joanne for Ignite!! It was still damn early so we decided to go Lawn and eat cupcakes baked by Joanne. I was telling Jolene like how we looked like we just broke up and are torturing ourselves by eating so many cupcakes haha! Janice and Nick came to join us after that. Followed by Danielle! Ignite was a bomb!!!!!!! <33333
16 Aug: Tassri invited us to his place for Raya. Met up with Pris, Justin, Jiawei and Qi before heading to his place together.
Nope, we did not forget Jiawei. He's just napping behind us. HAHA!
Nothing, just us torturing Jiawei. HAHA!
After that, Qi had to go home to prepare for his exams. So me, pris, jiawei and justin decided to get tickets for 'Into the storm'. And before the movie started, we had about an hour. So we did some shopping at Cotton On, where we bumped into Mr Sham!!!!!!
Super happy to meet so many people in a day! ^^
The movie was damn good! But Jiawei complained that I was damn noisy HAHAHAHA SORRY NOT SORRY.
Good day, good company. <3
18 Aug: Fuze Party Dry Run with the GLs.
#ootd with my favourite milk tea from TRCC.
#TeamEvent fooling around with leftover marshmallows. HAHA CHUBBYBUNNY!
Dress Code: Black.
Girls being girls....... HAHA!
Ordered Dominos for dinner! SO GOOD. Love the skinny pizza but it's not fulfilling though.
However, I gave school a miss. HAHA.
#TGIW with Danielle, Joanne, Janice, Nick and some other people.
31 Aug: Colour Run!
Volunteered for Colour Run with Jo, Dan and Jan! So much fun!!!!!
Stayed over at Jan's with Jo the night before because she stay near Vivo hahaha! Slept really late because we were up all night talking about life, relationships and all. #girlstalk And of course, we ended up waking up late the next morning haha whoops?????
Met Danielle at Vivo later on!

I LOVE THIS PART THE MOST. (This was the first throw up! So glad I could take this shot hahahahah!)
Weijie is so mean. HAHAHAHAHA!
#FUZERSAY14/15 (+ 1 ex fuzer hahahahahahah)
The after party! WOOHOO!

Nick made and delivered toasts for us because we were damn hungry. AWWW!
The journey home was....... EYES ON ME. People were looking at me like I'm an alien or what meh. But trust me, I've had a hard time washing away the powder. In fact, I had to go to work with pinkish face the next day. HAHAHA
Yup, this pretty much summarizes my August.
Okay, shit I just realised I've to start on my September post like soon?????? HAHAHAHA. Omg I'm like queen of procrastination. Whoops. (I think I took like a week or two to finish this post up????? Though like it's 3/4 filled with pictures? HAHAHAHAHAH SHIT)