Monday, July 30, 2012
Food, food, food
Too good to resist.
Too cute to eat it.
Peppermint Ice Cream + Choco Chips Cookies.
So gonna be my daily breakfast! :D
Look at the caramel coat.
Somebody, make me this :')
Oreo base?!
Handmade?! I'll try it one day :D
All time favourite :)
OMG. Why so nice?! After O'levels, I'll spent one whole day travelling around Singapore to EAT!
But, the consequences:
Okay, I know this is out of topic but I think this is really cuteeeee:
Almost late for school today.
Well apparently, the next time I'm late for school, I have to serve morning detention already. SIAN. On the way to school then I realised I forgot to bring my tie and I started texting people asking if they got extra tie. Haiz, but by the time most people left house already or don't have. Forget it. Nicey Pris waited for me at main gate then she told me she tried to call me and ask if I want her to get tie from his house or not. But idk what happened to my phone, she couldn't get through. Damn.
On the way to parade square, we met Xut and Nic. Then Nic decided to accompany me to stand at the 'No-Tie' corner :) Justin, Shayn, Calvin came to join us too!! Honestly, who will bring tie on an exam week Monday?! Last week I bring then don't need use, this week never bring then I kena. Wth. Was complaining to Justin like siao and he was also annoyed by it. After morning assembly, we thought the Sec 4s and 5s could leave cause we still got Prelims on, so some of them started to walk off. Well, we did walk off too, but too slow, by then Mr Tan saw us and called us back. Well, well....
After that, Nic accompanied me to get protractor. Idk this is the how many protractor I have bought this year leh XD Every exam buy 1. Apparently none of us went back home and studied Maths after yesterday. hahaha typical much?
"It is only Prelim 2, not O'levels yet." - Justin
"Prelims are meant to be failed." - Xueting
Maths P2 was okay. Just that I must work faster :) Surprisingly, I didn't sleep at all! Proud of myself. After paper, me and Nic ate in school. Pork Rib Noodles!!! Yummmy. Then chitchat with Xueting and Kimmeng until they need leave for Geog paper. Went home and slackkkk! Until dajie smsed me and asked if want have lunch together. Met her at the Pasar Malam and we saw Nic, Xueting and Kimmeng!! Yay! Stood there and talked for like 10 minutes? Love talking to them :P Went KFC for lunch and had a HTH talk with dajie. Shared with her my problems and she gave me some advice and share with me her experiences. Got to think about it later :)
Then we went to pick Mummy up from work. hahahaha noisy us. I think I'm eating too much recently leh :( CRAP. So many temptations, how to reject?! SOMEBODY TEACH ME!!!!
YAY! I like my new background :) These are all people I'll never forget :) Friends whom are always there for me, my CCA members, my family, I love all of you :')
Priscilla, Nicole, Xueting, Shermaine, Navinn, Justin, Kimmeng, Patrick, Tassri, Junjie, 40th Batch - Yiqi, Wesley, Jinyang, Elyana, Nadhirah, Qamarina, Jiawei, Kenneth, Ian, Benjamin, Vinod, Nanthiyni, Nicholas, Hazmie, Jianxin, Peien, Calvin, Rico, Jerlyn, Officers - Mr Sham, Rayyan Sir, Boonhui SIr, Zaki Sir, Jeremy Sir, Alex Sir, Mdm Ng, Miss Tan, Mrs Lin, Mrs Ong, CIs - Weiliang Sir, Eliza Ma'am, Xinyi Sir, Gwen Ma'am, Lucius Sir, Don Sir, Khairul Sir, My juniors - Syukri, Ryan, Arinah, Reez, Jasline, Kevynn, Malcolm, Russell, Junhao, Jazmi, Kheshin, Bryan, Aaron, Kingson, Don, Greg, Darius, Celine, Kholish, Patricia, Claire, Yihui, Mary, Donovan, Iman, Jireh, Joeven, Noel, Xuewen, Xavier, Zhiying, Isaac, Viola, Tijani, Siti, Lihui, Vishnu, Joshua, Nicholas, Janice, Mavis, Mujahid, Xinyan, Khairunnisa, Rifqi, Daddy, Mummy, Ahma, Ahyi, Jiujiu-s, Jiumu-s, Dajie, Xiya, Xizheng, Shermin jiejie, Ah Shaun korkor, Beverley, Kymberley, Nathaley, Marcus, Ashaley.
And the list is never ending.
I'm so thankful for everyone that actually came into my life, even though some may have left halfway. But the memories will never fade. Lots of love to the people who came into my life, and NEVER left <3 I just want you guys to know that, I really appreciate every moment with you and I never want you to leave my life :')
Ah, feeling so thankful today! :)
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Ice Cream!
Ahhh tired! Regretted not sleeping early last night :P Apparently, cause Xiya and Dajie were hungry, so me and Xiya went out to get foodddd! Fatty fatty bom bom :P While walking towards the market, there's this guy that started following us. So we just ran as fast as possible to the market area. SUPER DUPER SCARY. While running, I was imaging what if the guy chase after us with a knife or something? LOL! :P Bought the yummy chicken at Pasar Malam and saw Joyce then Azly, Sean, Hafriz and Darwish. And mashed potato from 7-11. AWESOME :) Then bought KFC for dajie.
Morning woke up at 6 because some ass decided to prank call my house number. Like wth sia. TSK. Couldn't sleep after that and when I finally fall asleep, time seems to just fly. It was 7.30am when I woke up. First thought, "SHIT, I'M GONNA BE LATE." And I rushed like siao. When I reached MRT at 8.15am sharp nobody was there. So I called Xueting and only to find out that the real time was 8.30am. I wanted to shit in the morning one, but because I thought I was going to be late, that's why i didn't shit leh. End up all of them came at like 8.30am. Thanks ah. Was quite pissed but they never fail to make me happy again :)
Kim Meng was supposed to get on board the MRT at Taneh Merah MRT. But because he need to shit, so we got off at Tanah Merah MRT and waited for him. The train door suddenly open again and we were like saying how dramatic it will be if Kimmeng came and we managed to run in in time. Then Justin was like, "If the MRT train go off now and Kimmeng start running up, I will whack him up ah." Then the train just started moving off and Kimmeng really running up the escalator!!! SUPER EPIC! XD
Met Shaun and Julian at Ajunied MRT and we walked to the church. Overall, service was okay. I saw Mr Lian, Mr Chiang's daughters, Lindy and Joshua! Quite surprised that he still recognises me :) After that, we went Airport for Astons! So much fun doing all kinds of weird stuffs like Justin stole Nicole's shoe, we added salt into Justin's drink, then Justin distracted Nicole while I add salt into her drink. LOL :)
After that, took bus back to Xueting's house. The bus journey was really funny. Me and Nicole almost kissed siaaaaa! OMG. The bus was so packed and the driver drive like a boss, so everyone were like banging into one another, that's why me and Nicole almost kisseddddd! :O Justin was entertaining me with his jokes and dares, so it was really funnyyy! After that, Nicole went home while we went to Xueting's void deck. Shaun treat us to ice cream!! We sat at the void deck, eat and talk till 5+. Then me and Justin hid Xueting's slippers :P Blur xueting! XD They were like talking about the invention of the ice cream and they came to a conclusion that (WARNING: If you love Chocolate, Vanilla or Strawberry Ice Cream, you may consider to SKIP THIS PART!) the chocolate flavour is shit, vanilla flavour is toilet paper, and strawberry flavour is when a woman having menses. Hehehe! XD
Then Kimmeng and Xueting got into a water fight where they started splashing water at one another. Me, Justin, Shaun and Julian were like shouting at them whenever they accidentally splash water on us while watching free show. HAHAHA!
Then Kimmeng and Xueting got into a water fight where they started splashing water at one another. Me, Justin, Shaun and Julian were like shouting at them whenever they accidentally splash water on us while watching free show. HAHAHA!
After that, Daddy, Mummy and Xizheng came to pick me up and we went to Ahma's house! YAY, POPIAH AGAIN :) After dinner, I played with Ashaleyyyyy :) But Kym say I am a 16 years old baby :'( NO I AM NOT! I LOVE KIDS! AND I AM NOT A PEDO :P Alright, I should go study now! BYEEE :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Ahhh tired me.
Just last night, after I completed my post, Xut called me and we talked for an hour plus. It was great, though I was perspiring really hard + my handphone getting hotter and hotter against my ear, I enjoy talking on the phone with the people I love. All the nonsense that we ended up talking about, so cute la :) We stop talking only when she needed to poop, and I was also kinda about to burst my bladder :P I like how we are able to communicate and never quarrel, though sometimes it's quite awkward. But she made me better and she forever and always giving me advice, which are pretty useful.
hmm, now she's studying and soon, she's gonna find doom later! muahahaha >:) Nevertheless, I hope she will enjoy herself later ;) I MUST SLEEP EARLY TONIGHT. Because Xut invited me to Shaun's church event tomorrow and we are meeting at MRT at 8.15am! OMG, there goes my Sunday morning.... Just joking, hehe :)
Alright, I shall go study really soon.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Omg can you believe that it is a bread that is filled with cheese?! OMG it looks so delicious but on another thought, fattening. Gah, sometimes I just hope that the Mac Donalds near school move away. Just this week alone, I've been eating super unhealthily. Monday - Maggi Mee, Tuesday & Thursday - KFC, Wednesday - Popeyes, Friday - Mac. This sucks. I really need to start watching my diet and exercise already. Swimming? Cycling? After exams ba...
Today I had physics and elective history papers. Well, I think I'm gonna flunk my whole prelim 2 :( Went for chapel today. Idk why, but I feel better after chapel :) Walked Nic to the bus stop, before going Mac to eat. Whenever I spend time with Xut and KM, idk how to describe it, but it will be so funny. Maybe what Xut said is true, I am the only one that will play along with KM and disturb her :P At like 4pm, I didn't want to go back home. So I went back school to visit my juniors :)
I really miss those days. Being the chairperson, having debriefs with my batchmates, playing with my juniors, dinners after parades with batchmates and officals. After O'levels, I think I'm gonna organise batch outing :) Caught up with some of the CLs and Sec 1s. I felt so loved when they were asking me to go back every parades to visit them. I thought they will forget me leh, but aww they still remember me and they miss me. omg, I wished I didn't have to POP :'( The only reason why I would want to return as CI is for my juniors. Talked to Boonhui Sir about CIBTC and Poly course choices. I kinda miss Zaki Sir :P I haven't seen him for a long long long long long long long long long long long long long time. Surprising uh? :P
After that, debriefed with the CLs and went Pasar Malam with dajie! I bought something for someone because... I also don't know why. Just felt that it will suit him, so I bought it :) Tired.
Today was SS paper. Idk what and how to describe it. But what done has been done, so be it. After paper, went KFC with usual. Getting fatter as each day go by.....
After that went home and like 10 minutes later, Kimmeng called and asked if I wanna join them to study at Nic's void deck. Home is really too distracting, so I went to find them. But ended up studying at the residents area at Xut's house there. I realised I've been going there too often already. The playground there, filled with so much memories.... Idk if it's something good or what, but I just can't help but think of the past. Haiz.
Studied and had some mini talks in between. After that we went to the CC to get Nic's mum a cake because today is her birthdayyyy! Waited for Sonia to come before we went Nic's house. KM and Xut really makes a cute couple. Went into Nic's room and we were teasing the 2 of them, and they were like trying to trick us that they are kissing. Tsk! Haha. Studied while waiting for dinner. After that while eating, Xut called Shaun to settle some problems from yesterday. The atmosphere was..... Bad. After dinner, I wanted to leave already but the atmosphere was kinda bad. So I stayed for a while more, till it was more peaceful before leaving to find Rico at mac.
On the way to Mac, I was feeling really terrible. I texted 2 person whom I really wanted to talk to, and end up only 1 replied immediately. The other 1, busy with studies, no time for me. I can feel mu feelings fading everytime something like this happened. Oh well. By the time I met him was like 9 alr? Started serious studying physics. Rico bought me Apple Pie and even wrote encouraging words for me. So nice :) Studied till 10.50 before I went home.
On the way home, I realised that I don't trust in love anymore. I find it too scary for me to handle alr. Really. When I saw that situation, I really feel the pain for her. Being loved by 2 person and having to make a choice that will hurt either.... It sucks. I could totally understand her. I told myself, never to fall in love in guys that easy anymore. The pain is so unbearable that I think I may just kill myself. So no love till one proved me wrong. Hard to anyways. Too bad.
Alright, going back to study History alr. Goodnight :)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Woke up with a bad flu. Idk why, maybe because I didn't really slept well last night. Felt pretty terrible because mummy scolded me. Oh well, my fault.
No paper today, so no need to go school. Thought I was going to be home alone, but dajie had cramps and didn't go school. So yay accompany! Went out to buy Mac for her. So nice right me? :)
After eating, I tried to study but I really cannot. The runny nose is so freaking irritating. Really. I was really tired, both mentally and physically. Couldn't sleep last night, and I start to think about the past again. I don't know why is it so hard to just forget everything and move on. I know no matter what I do, it isn't going back to the past anymore. So I kinda settled down, having post it notes everywhere my room to constantly remind me to move on.
I'm gonna focus on STUDIES.
I believe it will sooner or later be gone, for good. Be brave and face it, kick it away from my mind. Nothing is impossible.
OMG, I'M SO FREAKING FREAKING EXCITEDDDD! Really need to get more shoes, bags and dresses. Hopefully, will be able to get some really good deals :)
hmm, ending off with a song, that I really like.
Won't go home without you - Maroon 5.
Prelim 2.
Prelim 2 officially started.
English papers were okay? Honestly, I'm just gonna say that everything is okay. Well, at first I thought I screwed my format for paper 1, but Rico told me that my format is right. So I don't know if I'm suppose to be happy or sad.
Have been going to the Pasar Malam too often in just yesterday and today. Oh man, fats and more fats :( After our English paper, me, Nic, Pris, Xut, Justin and Kimmeng went Pasar Malam. (Again) Nic wanted to buy the chickennnn! It's really good. And oh, there's this shop that sells fried oreo! Me, Shermaine and Pris went to try and hmm.... not bad? It still taste like oreo, but softer and tastier. Worth the try :)
While Nic ordered her chicken, Pris and Justin were playing 'hide-and-seek'. The 2 of them, cute little asses :) After that, we went KFC, where Xut, Kimmeng and Justin had their lunch while me and Nic bought drinks :) Every single time we go out, we never fail to embarrass ourselves :/ Firstly, while me and Nic were getting our drinks, they hid her chicken. So in return, while they bought their food, Nic hid Xut and Kimmeng's bags with Joel and clique, who were sitting behind us. Then Xut came back and realised that her bag was gone so she took my wallet. While Xut is about to take Nic's wallet, Nic super cute!! She tried to protect all her things on the table and her face was so epic that I spit out my ice lemon tea!! XD Super eww but funny sia XD Joke of the day. End up the table and Justin's bag kena :P Then Clement came over and asked me, Pris and Nic something. But once Xut come back, we all pretend like nothing happen XD WHY SO EPIC?!
I keep spiting at Nicole :P After Pris and Nic left, the 4 of us started ice spitting game! Super fun but the boys keep shooting at Joel and clique they all :P After that, they all went to my house. Had a quick bath while the 3 of them talk to dajie. Ended up leaving my house at only 6.30pm. Then we went over to Xut's house. Sat at her void deck and talked. Talked until 8+pm, then me and xut went for dinner. After that, we studied abit then ended up playing Truth or Dare. Content is .... HAHAHA can't tell :P
Sat at the fitness corner and talked until 11.30pm. Walked to the busstop with Justin and KM. Wah thank God I caught the last bus! :) SUPER TIRED. Start studying soon :)
I keep spiting at Nicole :P After Pris and Nic left, the 4 of us started ice spitting game! Super fun but the boys keep shooting at Joel and clique they all :P After that, they all went to my house. Had a quick bath while the 3 of them talk to dajie. Ended up leaving my house at only 6.30pm. Then we went over to Xut's house. Sat at her void deck and talked. Talked until 8+pm, then me and xut went for dinner. After that, we studied abit then ended up playing Truth or Dare. Content is .... HAHAHA can't tell :P
Sat at the fitness corner and talked until 11.30pm. Walked to the busstop with Justin and KM. Wah thank God I caught the last bus! :) SUPER TIRED. Start studying soon :)
Monday, July 23, 2012
Keep going.
Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I — not events — have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I’m going to be happy in it.
— Groucho Marx
— Groucho Marx
Concentrate on how good if feels to be alive. No matter what. Just to see the color of the sky, just to smell the air, and feel the wind in your face…because in the end, it’ll be okay.
In another world.
Night time and I thinking far far away. Whenever it reaches 11pm, I will automatically switch into the calm mood. It just cannot be explained with words.
Death, are you afraid of it?
Honestly, I am not. I hope to die peacefully, without any regrets. If it wasn't for Priscilla, I think I will still be wasting my life away. Really really thank God for her <3 If only we had that talk last year, then everything will not be as terrible as now. Me and him. But maybe this is all planned, I mean like we are not meant for each other. If we are meant to be together, no matter what happens, we will never be defeated by it. But somehow we were defeated and that's why we became like this. Strangers.
Life is really short but nobody realize that. Everybody is like living everyday as though life is gonna be as long as infinity. It sucks. Before I die, I do hope to have a hth talk with him... But I know this isn't a good time and maybe I will just make everything go worse? I suck when it comes to my own problem. Haiz. Really really miss those days. But time can never be turned back.
At my funeral, I don't want tears to exist. I hope everybody present at my funeral will be smiling instead. Because I hope that I brought smiles to their lives and they are able to show me the smiles that I brought to them, even if I'm gone. The last thing I would do in front of people is to cry. And if I really do, I don't know, maybe it would be because I have exceeded my limit. So far, I haven't. Actually I did. In front of Priscilla at Chapel. After 2 years, I went for chapel and the impact on me... Really big.
Right now, I just hope that I can get 13 for my O'levels.
I really hate myself for being so easily distracted. Discipline, where are you? I really really need you now. I know I will be able to do it IF I put in the effort and time. But why aren't am I doing it?! Prelim 2 is on Tuesday and here I am, not willing to sit down and study for hours.
Please, somebody, enlighten me.
I need motivation. I need inspiration.
But after all, I am the only one who can make myself really study.

Sunday, July 22, 2012
Before I mug.
Haiz, I pity that I won't end up with him (In Shermaine's story) :(
Ah whatever. Anyways, Gonna start studying after I complete this post.
Slept for only 5 hours on Saturday. Woke up because of Yiqi's sms. Anyways, met up with him, Pris and Jinyang at Long John Silver at 9.15am. First time eating Long John Silver's breakfast, hmm don't really like it. Wesley couldn't come because there was something growing on his eyelids. Sat there and talked while we ate. I miss those days when we will meet up at least twice every week. I just miss them so much.
After that, Pris and Jinyang went off to city. While walking to inter with Yiqi, we talked about our lives. More of his actually :P I miss him and his teasing. Childishness too. He grew taller!!! And buffer! But his kiddyness.... Still there :) After that, he waited for my bus to came before he left. Went back school and met Xut in the canteen.
Maths was okay. Ended an hour earlier. Went for lunch at the beehoon kopitiam. Ate beancurd and popiah! I almost vomited when there was a idk-what-it-is-called vegetable in my last piece of popiah. I think I gave a shock to Xut, Vin and Justin :P Opps!
After that, Justin went home while me, xut and Vin went to Mac :) Vin bought Caramel Frappe. Kinda got sugar rushed and was like insane? heh, I had a small cut on my thigh :(
Amaths. Got tired already, so was like half dead? Halfway, 'quarreled' with Vin :P JOKE! After that, went to eat Chicken Rice with Xut and KM :) Then while Xut was in the toilet, me and KM was saying that we are gonna prank Xut :) HEHEHEHE!
Went home and changed clothes. Went Hougang for Ah Gong's Birthday. And I was like....
So many kids, nieces and nephews. FEEL SO OLD MAN :P
Was really sleepy. But was kinda hoping that he would text me. But ah whatever~ After I got home at like 10.30pm, I went Pasar Malam with Ivan! FOOD, MORE FOOD, AND EVEN MORE FOOD! <3
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Why am I so easily distracted? I should totally start studying and I know that. But, it never succeed.... I'm forever and always distracted. I need someone to be there to scold me, make sure I'm studying. It isn't easy... But I'm gonna pull through this, I know I can do it.

Time Check: 21 July 2012, 0125.
I'm feeling... tired? Not really actually. So a summarized post on my Thursday and Friday :)
hmm, nothing much happened. Well, we had relief teacher for English, YAY! The first teacher was quite nice, allowed us to talk but cannot move around. The second teacher allowed us to move but cannot talk loudly. Nic super cute, she was scribbling on the table when the teacher came to us and asked her what she doing. And she replied, "Oh, um I writing on her (Pris) hand." and the the teacher replied, "Oh really..." Navinn had names for the 4 of us. Nic is EM, I am BAR, Pris is RASS and Xut is MENT. So the 4 of us equals to EMBARRASSMENT. Cool? Neh :P So we had free period for English.
Recess with the usual and we were obviously talking nonsense all the way. That's why I love them ;)
Chemistry, practical today. Because Mr Lim was on MC, so their class came over to my class. Honestly, I don't really like it because the class is too big already, cannot concentrate. Me, Pris and Shermaine did experiments together! We had Navinn and Aaron sharing the same bench as us. Quite joke actually, like Aaron did a lot of really unexpected stuffs but fun! :)
Physics, practical too! Partnered with Rico again :) I love practicals! Fun. Nice people around me who made lessons more fun, but distractions too. heh :)
I thought I lost my wallet eh!! But it was actually with Shermaine, cause I passed it to her after recess and forgot about it. Haiz, so forgetful :(
After lunch, we wanted to pon CL cause it will be in own form class. Saw Isaac and we were like telling him that we are going to help him in chapel and bullcrap ah, but he was like, "Are you all sure? You all don't have class now?" Then suddenly Mr Tay appeared and he saw us and obviously he questioned us. Haiz, so we went back to class and.... CDY, relief teacher. Just nice, I needed the toilet urgently, so I asked her politely if I can go to the toilet and she freaking screamed at me. I was like WTH while Pris is laughing her ass off. TSK, freaking pissed off with her. Then she went off for a while and me, Pris, Nic and Xut asked the other nicer teacher if we can go to the toilet and she allowed. SHE IS SO FREAKING NICE.
In the toilet, we were complaining and comparing for like 10 minutes and the teacher came to look for us XD On the way back to class, we were like stopping at every class and complaining to the teacher inside. We complained to Mr Lai, Ms Ho, Mr Lin. LOL and the teacher was like, "Just bear with it okay!" I wished she was our relief teacher :(
Throughout the 1 hour, she kept staring at us. wth sia. Then Nic and Pris were doing some fist punch, and they didn't even make any noise, but CDY suddenly scold Nicole eh. She was like, "You two continue playing. Nicole, I will tell your mother." and we were like, okay...... Then Navinn came back and CDY like bias sia. He came over and talk to us then CDY never scold him one. We were complaining to him when she suddenly came towards us. So he immediately pretend to teach us. The scenario was like... The 4 girls were sitting on the chair, Navinn and Bird squatting down. Then Navinn was like saying idk what equation then he suddenly, "You go check the periodic table for the formula." and this caused us to burst out laughing! Because he was 'teaching' us Amaths and he suddenly mentioned Periodic Table. LOL!!! After class, CDY pissed off and just walked out.
After school, we went home to bathed and was supposed to meet up at 4pm at KFC. End up all late :/ Ordered Family Feast! Yummyyyyy! Though it was ultra fattening, but I enjoyed it! After that, Xut left while me, Nic and Pris went to Pasar Malam and kinda like fooled around XD Went to selfstudy area and slacked around before night study. Saw Yiqi, Jianxin, Nathan, all naughty boys. LOL! I miss the past....
Went for nightstudy at 6.45. YAY, Mrs Tan was the teacher supervisor for the night! I sat beside Pris and I was freaking sleepy. I almost fell asleep while studying SS. At 8, me, Pris and Nic went to the toilet and we spent 10 minutes talking nonsense :)
After nightstudy, I went to meet Dajie and we went Mac to get Icecreammmm! That somehow summarized my day :)
Didn't go school! Cause I was tired, having slight headache and I only had 2 hours of lessons. Daddy allowed me to stay home :) Woke up at 10, shiokkkk! Went to meet Pris and Nic at 1.15pm before me and Pris went for Maths class. 3.15pm, me and Pris brought down Xut and Nic's bag and waited for them at canteen. Xut was late :( When she was walking into school, we all ran towards ISH and hide from her. And I went to pay a visit to my lovely CLs :)
I wanted to scare Nic but ended up scaring this Sec 1 boy :P After that, we sat in canteen and discussed where to go eat. Then Isaac appeared and we started talking about having steamboat in school. But later we decided to go over to his house one day for steamboat :) CAN'T WAIT! Later, we went to Jack's Place for lunch and celebrated Pris bday! It was super funny. Me and Nic were like doing super retarded stuffs while Xut and Pris were taking video. Me and Nic kept dancing this really awesome dance, retarded i mean. After that, we went back to school because I needed the toilet. And we started trying to climb the wall. I think we were sugar rushing sia XD After that we decided to all go home and bathed before going to Nic's house to play!
Met Xut and KM at CC at 8pm. Bought Pris cake and went over to Nic's house. Luckily Pris coming late. hmm the fun part happened after Pris ate her cake. Me, Xut, KM and Nic were in the kitchen eating when she suddenly came in and she was like, "hahahaha, I made Justin's face." and she was holding onto the plate with cream in it. THE WAR BEGIN. We all started taking some cream and ATTACKED. We couldn't make a lot of noise because Nic's dad was having home cell. So were like giggling and trying to remain quiet while attempting to put cream on one another's face! SUPER FUN!!! After that, we washed up and went back into Nic's room. Then me and Nic started dancing the retarded dance again and we taught KM and Justin! And the 4 of us started dancing to the Afro Circus Song while Xut take video. SUPER DUPER FUN! But when we watched the video, LOL! At like 10+, we decided to leave. And at the void deck, we wanted to take a group photo before leaving. Ended up the girls taking jumpshots. Perspired like siaoooo! Went home and Xiya was hungry. So accompanied her to Mac. Reached home at 12.40am and bathed! Now waiting for hair to dry.
Tomorrow, meeting SWC at 9am for breakfast at Long John Silver. Going for Mr Ng's class after that. JIAYOU!! :)
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