Friday, June 29, 2012
Hello earthlings! :)
Sorry didn't post anything yesterday. What happened yesterday...
Lessons like usual, but kinda sucky. Oh, had our class photo done yesterday! It wasn't as good as how I expected it to be. But, nevertheless, I enjoyed spending time with them. After school went mac to buy lunch and we were super late for Amaths lesson :P Me and pris didn't understand anything at all! :/ So we ended up talking about our future, while copying notes. At first, we were talking about marriage, then about jobs, children, love, divorce, possible situations in a marriage. It kinda made me realised that actually marriage isn't as easy as it may seems to be. The possible situations that may actually happen, it's just so many. How scary can it be? No matter what happened, end of the day, the person that will hurt the most is not going to be the adults, but the kids. That's why do really think carefully before getting married.
"If you really love this guy a lot now, but he only wants to get into a relationship after his NS, will you wait for him?" Pris asked me this question. My answer, betrayed me. Not really betrayed, but it somehow contradict to whatever I'm doing. "If while waiting for him, I don't meet someone better, someone who will melt my heart, then I will wait."
From Pris, I've actually reflected a lot. Really a lot. I realised that I haven't been thinking for the people around me, and that in this world, there's a solution for every problem. It is just how I choose to view it, and handle it. So last night, before I slept, I ended up reflecting. I thought about what I have been doing, how I have been solving my problems, how silly I was. I hope from this, I'll be more mature.
After A-maths, went to accompany xut and nic have dinner. CHICKEN RICE. omg it looked so great! Then as usual, all the silly talks :)
Met up with xut this morning to have breakfast at Mac :) Then met Pris at main gate, just in time for assembly. blahblahblah. SS, me and Nathan made a deal. Whoever that scores lower for the mock test will have to treat drink. I BETTER START STUDYING! During Chinese, Shermaine tied a 4-braid for me :) A-maths was BORING. because I don't understand anything. Played 'soccer' with Pris :P Super fun! Then Clarence started singing 'SAVE MY WORLD' again. IT IS SO ADDICTIVE! Xut, Nic, Pris and Sher hate that song because of me :P Navinn had to sit at the teacher's table. We ended up showing weird and unglam faces at one another. The best part was we didn't realised that Mr Liu saw :/
Had CHICKEN RICE after school! YUMMYYYY. Went Suntec after that to collect uniform and pass for weekend job. Excited :) Then went back school for training. Aww miss my juniors. Especially the Sec 1s! I'm so glad the Sec 3s are now CLs. Watched Wesley giving the Sec 2s drills for a while, then went to talk with the CLs :) All so tanned already! Because they just came back for OBS. Oh man, I miss those days. Those days when I grew so close to xut, nic, vin, bird. Those days when I first scolded someone the f word. The memories will always be there, never fading :)
Rayyan Sir talked to me. About my studies, my love life, my future. Haiz, SHOULD I COME BACK AS CI? I really don't know :( Then caught Yi Qi and we joined the CLs in the Creativity Hall. I love his bag!! It's a bag from Korea and at the bottom, there's a name tag with "GARY" (In korea). It is detachable lor! OMG SO COOL RIGHT?! Speaking of which, I miss SWC. But I managed to talk to all 4 of them today! :) Then chatted with Tassri while waiting for my lovely Xiya.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
My love.
Friends, are like my family. Don't you love it when you are feeling down and need someone to listen to you or advice you, and you know who to go to. FRIENDS.
Honestly, I think friends are the one who shaped me into who I am today. Imagine being in class without any friends, like a loner. When you don't understand anything, you have someone to ask help from, the feeling is great isn't it? Imagine going for CCA but you have no friends in it. What will be the motivation? I always love going for trainings because of my friends, because of Priscilla, Elyana, Nadhirah, Qamarina, Nanthiyni, Yiqi, Wesley, Jinyang..... It's just amazing how friends can actually affect you.
My sis introduced this guy's WEBSITE to me. Worth to take a look ;)
Skip a beat.
This part of the Madagascar is so sweet and cute!
Sorry for the angry post. I was in a bad mood cause I just wake up from a nap, feeling awful.
Today, met Siti in the morning at the usual place. I really miss her a lot. We used to hang out everyday, but not these days anymore :( She gave me my birthday present :') Her card is so sweet! Love her! :*
Then went MPH and saw Pris! She was being super hyper!! Kept singing the madagascar song and got me addicted :/ The talk was boring.
School today was okay. Boring as usual. During lunch, it became xut's turn to hyper. Yeah, siao zha bors! But I love them! After school, went Mac with Pris and Nic :) After Pris left, me and Nic had a heart to heart talk. Came home, and while reading, fell asleep on the table. Wake up and my whole arm was numb. HURTS. But I think caused my bad mood. So I was like in the 'Talk-to-me-and-you'll-die-mood'. No appetite too, but ate a little. Haiz, speaking of food, I GAINED WEIGHT :( Those girls have been bringing out to EAT, EAT, EAT and EAT. HAIZ :(
Today, met Siti in the morning at the usual place. I really miss her a lot. We used to hang out everyday, but not these days anymore :( She gave me my birthday present :') Her card is so sweet! Love her! :*
Then went MPH and saw Pris! She was being super hyper!! Kept singing the madagascar song and got me addicted :/ The talk was boring.
School today was okay. Boring as usual. During lunch, it became xut's turn to hyper. Yeah, siao zha bors! But I love them! After school, went Mac with Pris and Nic :) After Pris left, me and Nic had a heart to heart talk. Came home, and while reading, fell asleep on the table. Wake up and my whole arm was numb. HURTS. But I think caused my bad mood. So I was like in the 'Talk-to-me-and-you'll-die-mood'. No appetite too, but ate a little. Haiz, speaking of food, I GAINED WEIGHT :( Those girls have been bringing out to EAT, EAT, EAT and EAT. HAIZ :(
I'm sorry, I just cannot stand it anymore.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oh my goodness, cool or what? I wanna stay up there one day! It's so cool! But I think will be quite scary too ah, imagine if the house collapsed.... Kidding :P

Life is amazing. Like everyday, you experience different things, get in contact with new people. I used to think that life is meaningful and wished I would just leave this world to somewhere far. But then because of all the people who talked to me and made me feel loved, I know that life shouldn't be so this short. Daddy and Mummy were the ones who brought me to this world and I can't end it. So why not just face reality and spend it as happy as possible :)

YAY! I'M THE BEST! :) Self motivation :P
Everybody is awesome!
It is always like that. Every girl will experience it. No, everybody. But maybe it is just us? Wouldn't it be better if we let things happen naturally?
I hate it when my friends get upset over guys. Or when some guys just don't appreciate what a girl did for him, and make use of her. It is like, just go to hell. Sorry.
Just one, it is never easy, but with determination, it is possible :)
You look best when you SMILE ;)
Sometimes, girls just expect too much from guys. But guys, are also humans, with feelings. So girls, don't take them for granted.
Smile, because you can drive bad luck away ;)
My Daddy :)
Lifelong relationship, that is what I want :)
The end of Hols.
Finally, June holidays have ended, which also represent the start of serious studying.
First day of school SUCK, seriously. First lesson, SS (1 hour), got scolded by Mrs Tan for not going for her holiday class. Well, but the next half period she was better :) Then Elective History (1.5 hour), Ms Tan came to asked me why I did so badly for Prelim 1. Kinda explained it to her and I think she will be like watching my grades and giving extra lessons after school. Oh man. Then while copying, she came up to me again and told me that I'm writing too slowly. Tsk. Fine, I can write at a faster speed but don't blame me for my horrible handwriting. While teaching, Matthew suddenly came forward to throw some rubbish and Ms Tan's reaction was awesome! She was like asking us to imagine a student suddenly walk out of the class to the toilet while she is teaching, or suddenly stand up and do some stretching while she is teaching. She kept laughing to herself and just kept saying, "I'm sorry, I just cannot process this." LOL. Sometimes, I don't know why people think she is evil. I think she is quite nice and funny :)
Recess was great! I mean who don't like recess? :) Had... Omelette Rice :) GREAT FOOD. Next lesson, Chinese (1 hour), suckyish lesson of the day. Ms Ho wasn't in school so Mrs Sui took over her lesson. I thought she will give us free time or what. But ended up, she made those without any chinese materials go out of class to write an essay on WHY IS CHINESE IMPORTANT in Chinese. Obviously, I got send out. Along with Shermaine, Nicole and Clarence. LOL, all 4F-ers :P But seriously, all we are left with is Oral and LC, what she expect us to bring sia? Cracked my brains, used up all my brain cells to complete the freaking essay. Get back into class and she made me remove my studs. HAIZ. Then we did some conversations with friends. Seriously, bad luck :( Art (1 hour), oh yes, did I mentioned that I officially dropped Art? Yes, I received the approval letter in the morning :) So I had an hour of free period. Went to 3H with Amelia. She slept while I did my humanities homework and text Nicole :P
Then lunch! Went to have a drink with the lovely girls :) Maths (2 hours), guess, did I managed to survive 2 hours of Maths? I DID. LIKE REAL. hahahaha! I survived the first hour, but started falling asleep for the last hour. It was really tiring. Need something to keep me awake! School ended at 3.45pm. Suck right? Started talking to Pris about Chickens and by the time we got home, we forgot that we have an icecream date with Nicole and Xut :P
Changed clothes and went to T1 to return dvd, meet dajie, send letter and buy grapefruits for Mummy. Went to T1 basement to get the really big fried chicken chop. IT IS REALLY REALLY HUGE! And spicy. Went to get double chocolate frappe before we went to find Xizheng who just ended training. First time we went home together :)
So, this marks my first day of school. Pretty much unlucky?

Today, was better :) First lesson, SS (1.5 hour), once again, Mrs Tan flared up at us again. Because almost the whole class didn't bring TYS, Prelim 1 Corrections, homework or parents letter. So she ignored us for an hour before she started talking to us again :) yay! Then English (1 hour), Mrs Chan oh Mrs Chan, pregnant again! Hopefully it's a baby boy this time round :) So she gave us a set of paper to do, which apparently nobody did. We were all like just slacking, chit chatiing. heh, Clarence was being such a joker. Me and Jarrett were like against him? hahaha! I just love playing mini games in class, like to test their speed? FUN :) Pris, naughty girl, kept talking about food during English, making me really really hungry! Finally, it was Recess time! With Pris, Nic, Xut, Sher, Vin and KM. YAY! Had Kway Chap today :) As usual, all the craps came up. Jokers. Pris make 2 handprints on KM's uniform, which caused the boys to chase after her with ice cubes. Me and xut helped her and got ourselves into troubles XD But it was fun! Luckily Mr Lin was around, otherwise, Pris would have been wet! You should have seen the guys' faces when Mr Lin appeared. Seriously LOL! By the time we ran up to our class, we were all dying of tiredness. hehe!
Then 2 hours of Maths. Mrs Wong came to relieve! Yayyyy! Miss her so much! :D But I died like after an hour again. Really, cannot stay awake sia. Plus, my stupid runny nose make me really lifeless. It really hurts. Luckily, end class at 1.15pm :) Went to drink bbt with clique. On the way, Navinn kept pouring water at Pris and Xut. hahaha I love spending time with them :)
Bought KFC for Dajie before coming home :) Luckily, now nose not so pain le. But tomorrow confirm will hurt one :(

Sunday, June 24, 2012
16 years.
I want to thank my Daddy, my Mummy, all my family members, awesome friends whom celebrated it with me yesterday, called me this morning, text me, and even wished me on facebook and twitter. I'm so blessed to have all of you in my life :) I love all of you! <3
Pretty pretty.
Shame on you if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You’ve been a pretty hard case to crack
I should of known better
But I didn’t
And I can’t go back
Shame on me if you fool me twice
You’ve been a pretty hard case to crack
I should of known better
But I didn’t
And I can’t go back
Oh life goes on
And it’s only gonna make me strong - LeAnn Rimes
And it’s only gonna make me strong - LeAnn Rimes
The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. The best revenge you can have on people that shows hatred towards you, is not worrying about them at all.
You can’t control what people say about you but you can control how you react. So let them talk, keep your head held high and know that you are the better person. Life goes on.
You can’t control what people say about you but you can control how you react. So let them talk, keep your head held high and know that you are the better person. Life goes on.
Try not to take things personally. What people often say is a reflection of them and not you. Life goes on…anyway.
There is no room for hatred in my heart and i will never let anyone steal my joy and happiness. Life is too precious to waste time on negative people. Because in the end, LIFE GOES ON. i will smile, be happy and will enjoy life. :)
Beautiful Life.
There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it is up to you to accept them. Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you. It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are. So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself and all you want your life to be. Because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.
Take life one day at a time. it is not how fast we move or how long we live, it’s how we cherish every moment of our life. it is how we treasure every memories that we are creating each day, it is how you cope and win each day, it is how you show every day how wonderful person you are.
The secret to being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of everyday. :)
Who you are.
“Remember when you lost your head
Sometimes I wonder how you stay so sad when you’re so beautiful
You’re so beautiful, so beautiful”
Sometimes I wonder how you stay so sad when you’re so beautiful
You’re so beautiful, so beautiful”
hey you.
yes, you. stop being unhappy with yourself. you are perfect. stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else. stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks. love them. without those things you wouldn’t be you. and why would you want to be anyone else? be confident with who you are. smile. it’ll draw people in. if anyone hates on you because you are happy with yourself then you stick your middle finger in the air and say screw it. don’t depend your happiness to others. be happy because you love who you are. love your flaws. love your imperfections. they make you as YOU. and you are pretty amazing.
You may not feel pretty every day, but someone out there loves you and thinks you’re beautiful in every way. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. You’re amazing. You’re perfect just the way you are. Don’t ever let the words of someone else bring you down. It’s not the word of other people that should matter it should be the words from you that mean the most. Love yourself.
Happy Birthday!
Yesterday was Xi Ya's birthday and we had a mini birthday celebration for the both of us :)
I was so excited that I wake up at 9am! Went to get breakfast with daddy and xiya and also to rent Paranormal Activity 3. However, all the shops didn't have it :( I called Nicole, Justin, Patrick all never answer my call. But soon, Justin called me back, and we decided that later then rent the disc together. Went Big Bookshop to buy light sticks! Can't wait! Then dajie need to go Bedok to collect something from her friend, so I tagged along. Luckily, there was a NTUC nearby and went to get some chips :) Nic text me and she said Woman In Black is okay. So after dajie is done, we went to T1 to get the disc and also to get Kym's gift. By then, it was 2pm already! Yay! Shermaine told me she was waiting for Nicole at the fitness corner, so I went to find her and then she told me that they were at Mac. So I had to tell Justin and Patrick that the venue changed. Met Nicole and Shermaine at Mac and we were all so excited! Then they decided to go KFC to wait instead. So we have to call the guys to inform them again! Made our way to my house!
Woman In Black was okay! Quite scary but not that scary also XD Shermaine is so scared and it's just so fun to scare her! :P At 5+pm, daddy drove us to interchange, where we will meet Pris and Tassri, then go on our own :) Went to collect cake with xiya first, then went to find Nicole and Shermaine at T1 basement :) Idk where the guys went. But later we met Pris and Jinyang :) Jinyang left after that, and we went to subway, I bought cookies! Yummy yum!
Sat there and chit and chat and tassri came. Soon, Justin and Patrick came back :) But then, they decided to go topup their cards. Tsk, so left with me and Shermaine only. We were so bored and went to Times. Then Nicole and Priscilla came to find us. By then, Shermaine have to leave already :( So we went off to find the guys at subway. Waited for Royston at the interchange. The bus ride was fun! We were questioning Tassri about his new relationship. hahaha then we started talking about senses. Touch, smell, taste, hear, sight and common! Patrick teach me one :)
When we reached at the bus stop, we were kinda lost cause we don't know which way to walk :P I'm dumb at directions k. Saw Xiya and Malcolm! So they brought us in. On the way in, we got scared by this dog. Super scary! Finally, we reached! While eating, Nat and her friend kept disturbing the guys and idk, they were just irritating. LOL!
But we managed to get rid of them, and we went to the swing! It was fun yet scary while the guys swing us. I mean I love swings! Just that, this swing is not that secure because it can literally tilt! But the guys were holding on it, so should be quite safe ah! SHOULD BE :) Then, we went to this pondo and talked :) Yeah, then light sticks time! After that, they started playing some sitting-on-chair-while-playing-soccer game. haha! After cutting the cake, we left at around 9.40pm? Took the bus back with them. It was quite funny because at first idk what reason we took 132, i think, then somehow we thought it was 25! On the way, Pris shared a story, LOL one. So after 3 stops, we alighted, and to find that there wasn't any bus 72! So we walked back, then when the red man light appeared, Nicole and Justin ran across the road! And that was when Patrick told me about the bus thing! So amazing lor!
While crossing the road, we saw bus 72! AND WE RAN!!!!! Nicole and Justin were laughing at us for not running with them earlier :P Then Patrick shared some GHOST story~ Funny ones :) Time passed so quickly, Pris and tassri alighted soon after that, follow by me, Nicole, Patrick and Justin. Royston took all the way to Interchange because he stays at Pasir Ris. After that, Justin left. Nicole's mum, sister and maid were waiting for her at the traffic light and her mum wished me birthday :) Patrick walked me to the bus stop and we ran because bus 69 arrived when we were still on the overhead bridge! But managed to go on board :)
By the time I got home, I was super tired le... Went to bathe and complained to dajie :P hahaha! After Xiya came home, we unwrapped our gifts together :) Yay, I will have more companies at night, on my bed! :D Really enjoyed my birthday with this lovelies, I love them all <3
Friday, June 22, 2012
Madagascar 3
Yay, feeling excited about tomorrow! :)
Today, at around 2+pm, xut asked me if I can free to go out with her. So I went out with her, plus Justin. We were suppose to meet at 3.45pm, but Justin knew that we will be late. So he came at 4pm. But we were still late :P We went around T1 first, and had lots of fun! Why? Secret :) Justin will kill me if he sees this okay? But we had lots of fun, especially Justin.
Then at 5pm, I met up with Junjie at Tampines Interchange the Mac. I was late :P for a while heh. Then Tassri and Farah came soon. Went to LJS for dinner :) Quite awkward, but still okay. Saw Pris, xut and Justin! After that, Tassri and Farah went over to Open Plaza first. Junjie, the Mr Nice, waited for me to eat finish :) LOL, we ended the dinner by taking a few pictures. After that Tassri sent Farah home. Me and Junjie just walk around until he suggested watching movie. All the movies that he wanted to watch was NC16, he purposely one tsk! At first he didn't want to watch de, because cartoons not his type, but because the other movies are either M18, NC16 or I watched le :P So for me, we decided on Madagascar 3! :)
Walked around TM because the movie starting at only 7.05! Then we went to look for Priscilla and Patricia at Kopitiam. Asked them if they want to watch Madagascar 3 too, but they not enough money. So I went to NTUC there the atm to draw money, but the queue was omg! Walked to Gongcha there the atm, thankfully, the queue was shorter.
By then it was 7.05pm already, I ran back cause they haven't buy tickets! Super tired. The movie was funny! But super cold! After the movie, Pris and Pat left and jj accompanied to NTUC. But mummy say don't need buy already. But dajie want Gongcha, so we went to get Gongcha! :) After that, we went to topup our EZ-Link card and we saw one another's EZ-Link picture XD At first he wanted to walk home de, but because he walked me to interchange, he changed his mind and decided to take bus instead :) Well, bus 69 was so crowded so we waited for the next bus instead. He so nice, pei me until my bus come :) Luckily, when my bus arrived, his bus came too. Lucky guy :) I'm glad he didn't regret watching the movie! So cute right!! :)
Went home, bathed and helped mummy with the jellies for tomorrow! Gonna sleep soon! :)

Photo credits to Tassri :)
and the cycle go on and on and on...
I really don't know what am I doing. Why am I going on about this again? I thought it was over, but it is just another unstable cover. I really hate this. I wish I could just leave everything behind and run away. But reality will always be around. Sooner or later, I will have to face it and whatever the consequences are, I have to go through it too, be it alone or with someone. I'm surprised with myself. Am I that weak? I really wanna get out of school, out of Singapore, to somewhere of a new environment. My family, my friends, I really don't wanna leave them. But I'm really tired of this shit that is going on. Argh.
"If people leave your life once, there might be a second and third time."
This has been stuck in my mind. Just once, and I'm like feeling shit. Twice, thrice? Kill me. I cannot blame him too. I still think it's all because of me.
I wish the day, when I wake up to find that I no longer care, miss and love him anymore, will come faster.
22 June, 1.30am.
Oh gosh, feeling really terrible now. Honestly, I don't know why. Just feeling like something is stuck at my throat. Sucky.
Just got home from Impressions, half-an-hour ago. So before Impressions, we had A-maths lessons for 4 hours! :/ Because Xueting have Pure History in the morning, I'll only be meeting her at 12 for lunch. So met up with x before I went to find xueting :) Then met with Pris for burble tea and obviously, we were late :P Lesson was boring. And that's why we started whatsapping nonsense. Pris was like everywhere, under everybody's name. She cute pig! :) Xueting was really hyper. Laughing about everything and disturbing me. Tsk.
After lessons, went home and xiya surprised me with a pair of heels! She's so sweet la. Bathed and all. Left house at 6pm. But I was late :( Was supposed to meet Xueting, Nicole, Joyce, Shermaine, Justin, Navinn and Jarrett at MRT at 6.15pm. I only reached there at like 6.40pm? I felt really bad. Cause they will all be late because of me :( Met up with Kimmeng at Clementi. So by the time we reached NUS, it was reaching 8pm already. Felt really bad.
Impressions was okay. Had a lot of fun time disturbing xt and km. Cute. After Impressions, we took some photos and I saw Kershon! After so long!!! :D Then took some pictures yeah blahblahblah. The ride back was really long. And tiring. Was really tired and my legs were sore. But it was quite fun because xt and km were entertaining us. LOL. Yeah, by the time we reached Bedok, it was already 11.45pm. So we took 69, last bus back. And on the way, we decided to go straight home. After I alighted, it was so dark and scary.... I wanted to call somebody. But nah, forget it.... Called xiya instead. She came down and accompanied me to 7-11 to get my dinner. Just bought a chicken rice, and it sucks. I feel like vomiting now. I don't know. Just don't feel well. Gonna sleep soon cause I'm feeling really bad now. goodnight.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Yesterday, me and Pris went school late because she have checkup and we were banded to the same class. So I waited for her :) Met with Xueting and Nicole at opposite school at 11am. Then went 7-11 to get some snacks before going school. Maths 'camp'. It was about graphs throughout. I think it's okay, not that bad. Lunch time, we went to have Prata! Xueting was super high, keep saying jokes and make us all laugh and can't eat properly. But she cute la :)
While, so of course we were late for lessons. Mr Ng's lesson. Because he is our LD, so I was imagining him screaming at us, LOL! So we waited for Patrick and Justin to enter class first :P But he didn't scold leh! :) His lessons was not that boring, still manageable :)
After class, met xueting, nicole, justin, berwyn, shayn outside 1A. Xueting was kidding scolding Patrick when Mr Ng appeared. Mr Ng gave xueting the face XD She got caught not once, not twice, but THRICE. hahaha she cute right? After that, Patrick went off, and Justin walked us to the traffic area before going home. The 4 of us went to buy fries and drinks and went to Pris house again :) At first we wanted to fried the fries on our own, but heh, Pris mummy helped us instead. Her mummy is so cute! When pris asked, "Use what to cook?" Then her mummy reply, "Your hands lah!" hahahaha cute! Then we watched 'The day after tomorrow" Went home at 7.30pm. So tired....! Later got Impresions! YAY!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Today was Chinese Prelims Oral, met up with the girls before going school. We were all so excited for the movie and the steamboat! So we all had to sit in the MPH and wait for our turns. Among the 4 of us, I will be the last to be tested. Sian. So while waiting, we started chit-chatting. Then somehow we started discussing what movie to watch at my house on Saturday. We all wanted horror but Sher and Pris didn't want! So Shermaine started suggesting a lot of happy movie! It was quite funny when she started suggesting My Little Pony, Mr Bean, Barbie. LOL! So while me, Nicole and Patrick were suggesting horror movies, Priscilla and Shermaine were suggesting happy movies. But too bad, 3 VS 2. Plus Justin also wanted horror! So it's 4 VS 2! :P I'm sorry!
Overall, oral was okay. Not as bad as how I thought it would be :) After I was done, we immediately set off to CS! Snow White And The Huntsman! We bought tickets for the 11am one and went to bought some buns :) We bought 2 buns each and went to 7-11 and decided to get Big Gulp each, other than Pris. It was really funny to see how we all were trying to hide our food and drinks XD But we passed! The movie was nice! You should totally go watch it :)
After the movie, we were all so urgent for the toilet!!!!! That's why I regret getting the Big Gulp! Then went NTUC to get food for our steamboat! Whoa, we took like an hour plus just to get the food! Not surprising cause we all kept joking around XD Met this really friendly uncle at the cashier. Nice guy :) Saw Weiliang Sir and Elyana at the interchange! :)
STEAMBOAT TIME! Fun and more fun :) We spent another hour plus preparing the food! All of us were so hungry that we forgot to take photo of the food! XD SUPER DUPER FULL. Nic and Pris were full already, so me and xt had to clear the food. So I have to finish up all the chickens while she have to finish up the vegetables, squids and mushrooms. After that, we were both super duper ultra full! Omg. Then Nic left cause she have tuition later. After washing up, we each have a bowl of ice cream each :) Sat at the dining room and started talking. Xueting said lots of things that caused to think about what I want to be and do in the future. We were talking about marriage, kids, work, money, future. I just love to have talks like that, knock a lot of sense into me all the time :)
Walked to the bus stop with XT after that. Now, I'm still super bloated, though I have pooped out some things alr XD So here are some pictures ;)
What me and Xueting have to clear.